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Thank you all for so many reads! We have over 120k, wow. Thank you so much! I was thinking to do a face reveal but I don't want people in real life to know I'm writing this :heart_eyes:

Also, PLEASE STAY SAFE! It's corona time, so make sure you wash your hands regularly and practice social distancing. Most victims are either super young or super old, but I've seen teenagers get it, as well, even if they don't have other health issues. I don't want to see any of y'all in the hospital~

(Also the reason why I haven't been uploading.)

Escape plan #2 would be a bit more difficult for you. You looked around the room for something you could use to break out of the house. You hadn't even looked around the strange place.

You looked at the window. That plan would surely fail again, and you did not want Jin to stab you with his knife. You saw a pencil and some paper on the table in the room. Maybe you could write a fake suicide note, hide, and then he would think you were gone? No, he'd surely find you.

Then you looked up and saw something on the ceiling.

The vent.

Would it work? Would it be worth it? It seemed too risky, something that you only see in movies. However, it could be your only chance for escape...

You imagined what it would be like to be trapped in the vents. It would probably be a super small and tight space. Would you be able to breathe properly? How would you even get up there?

You glanced at the chair in the corner of the room and decided it would be good to use. It was definitely high enough to the point where you could reach the vent. You decided to do it, even if it would cost you pain from Jin.

You rested in the bed with confusion and anxiety. You prayed hat Jin would not catch you sneaking out. Who knows what he would do to you. He claimed he loved you, but he didn't. He just loved owning and controlling you. You would rather attempt to escape then be stuck in this miserable place forever.

Suddenly, Jin knocked at the door.

"Good evening, my sweet." he said. You did not respond. He was carrying a large tray with food on it.

"I made you something for dinner, so eat up." he said, placing the tray next to you on the bed. You didn't budge.

"Yah, I said eat the food." he nudged you. You looked over at the tray. It had a large bowl of a soup with dark broth and green onions floating in it. It was accompanied by a small bowl of rice and a bit of some sour kimchi. Your stomach ached at the thought of how hungry you were and how delicious the food smelled. Jin had not been feeding you that much lately, so you would take anything you could get.

You hurried and gobbled the food down, slurping up the soup and comping I'm the slightly mushy rice.

"Slow down, baby, you don't want to catch a stomach ache." Jin advised, brushing a stray piece of hair out of your face.

You payed him no mind as you continued to gobble down your food. You finished with a loud burp and fell back down on the bed.

"Did you enjoy your food, my sweet pretty baby?" he asked.

You nodded.

"Hmm, I thought so. Did you have enough?" he asked.
You nodded again.
"Good job, honey." he said.

Jin was a horrible man for kidnapping you and keeping you in one of his rooms like some kind of pet, but... you had to admit, you liked the way you were constantly being looked after.

"You're so obsessed." you told him.
"That I am." he replied.

"Anyways, honey, I left some more paper and some crayons on the desk in case you wanted to draw... I know it can be a bit boring." he said.
You nodded.

"Okay, goodnight!" he said.

He started to walk towards the door before turning around.
"Remember: I'm always watching~" he said with a devilish grin before turning back around and exiting the room.

What he said made you pause for a moment. He was always watching? Constantly? You knew he was obsessed, but not that obsessed... How would you be able to escape if he was always watching you? He didn't watch you in the bathroom, did he? Did he see you change...

No, you shook those thoughts out of your head. It was pointless to get yourself even more worked up, as you were shaken up enough by the fact that you were about to escape early that morning.

You planned out your whole escape.

At around 2 am, you would push the chair under the vent in the ceiling. You would carefully open the vent up. If you needed force to open it, you would use the hook for one of the paintings on the wall. Then you would climb out and find a way to escape the horrible room that was your prison.

You turned the lamp off and settled into bed. You could hear Jin washing the dishes. You wondered what the world outside of this room looked like. You thought about Jimin. You missed him. You missed stroking his soft hair and scratching behind his ears. You missed the soft purrs and whined he would make. You missed how cute he looked in the clothes you got from Hoseok and how they were a bit big so he would always have sweater paws when wearing Hoseok's sweatshirts.

Just the thought of him made you want to cry. Was Jimin okay? How was he coping? Hoseok has probably came over one day to check on him. What about the police? Were they trying to find you?

You felt a tear roll down your cheek.

You would take any chance at leaving this horrible place.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now