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Me: I'll update more frequently!
Also me: *doesn't updated for over 3 weeks*

This chapter contains smut, or dirty nasty stuff, so if you're uncomfortable with that just skip this chapter. You won't miss anything~

Jimin went back upstairs, carrying the jacket in his arms. He hopped into bed with the jacket, continuing to smell it.
"Mmm... Y/N." he mumbled. He could vision you next to him, stroking his hair and scratching between his ears. The thought of it drove him absolutely crazy.

"I wish you were here..."

He laid the jacket against the bed and buried his face into it, breathing in your scent. The smell of you drove him insane. His ears perked up and his tail moved around uncontrollably.

He writhed around in the bed, also taking in your scent from from of your pillows. He couldn't control himself as his hips slowly started to hump against the mattress. He nibbled at the pillowcase as he did so, his eyes rolling back. He let out small mews and whines. He couldn't get enough friction from the mattress, desperately moving his hips faster.

He felt himself hardening through his boxers. He couldn't control himself when it came to you. Even the smallest bit of your scent left behind turned him on. He imagined you there next to him.

"Your tail is so soft..." he imagined you saying. You brushing and rubbing your soft fingers against his tail, him arching his back and rutting against the bed- it was all a fantasy.

His own perverted thoughts made him move his hips against the bed harder and faster. What would you think of him? What would you think if you knew he was rutting against the mattress like a puppy- which disturbed Jimin as he did not like dogs- and going crazy over your scent?

"Y-Y/N, please, ah!" he moaned out your name loudly. He gasped at the tiny tingles and shocks that ran through him, turning him on even more.

He wouldn't come like this. He wanted more- no, he needed more. Humping the mattress was not enough to fulfill his burning desire.

Slowly, he slide his pants down his milky thighs. He imagined it was you teasing him, making him wait for his pleasure. As his pants slid down to his knees, he noticed a wet spot in the middle of his boxers. He slowly reached his pale finger out, touching the wet stain with the tip of his forefinger. His thighs shook and he gasped loudly, his finger touching the tip of his cock.

He couldn't wait any longer as he took off his pants all the way. He threw them randomly, along with his boxers. They landed in a soft clump on the floor next to the bed.

There Jimin lay, his soft milky skin exposed. Small beads of sweat appeared to form on his forehead. He brushed his damp bangs out of his forehead, as they were blocking his eyesight.

There stood his hardening cock. It was white up until the head, which was a vibrant red color. The slit was leaking a steady stream of clear pre-cum. It ran slowly down his shaft until it dissolved at the bottom. Other drops sputtered out quickly, landing on his stomach.

Jimin licked his lips with need. He started to run his hands over his thighs like you would do. He fondled with his balls and bottom of his shaft. He writhed around, unable to handle all of his own teasing. He wanted you there, running your own hands over his thighs and nibbling them until dark purple spots appeared.

Slowly, he thumbed the slip, gathering the pre-cum into a small puddle at the tip of his cock. Then, he used it as a lubricant as he did his first stroke.

It was like a small spark. One stroke caused his body to shake uncontrollably. He could not stroke slowly anymore. His hips bucked uncontrollably into his hand. His face turned red, and his cock turned even redder, the blush color seeping to the middle of his cock.

"A-ah, Y/N~" he moaned loudly. He imagined you under him, your body exposed completely. You were his. He just wanted to ravage you. He wanted to bite your neck, kiss your inner thighs, wrap his hands around your throat...

He tightened the grip on his cock, stroking even faster. He practically shouted your name, wishing you could hear him. He let his grip stay still and bucked his hips into his hands. The wet red cock slid in and out with ease. The space between his hands was so tight and suctioning that, he almost felt as if he were inside you. The thought made him gasp and shudder.

Suddenly, a tingly feeling in his cock made him realize he was about to cum. The feeling drove him inside. He got onto his knees and threw his head back in pleasure. He continuously stroked faster and faster. He let the burning pleasure build up inside of him. He moaned louder than he had before. Because of your absence, submissive words fell out of his pink lips.

"P-please... Y/N! Ah~ please, let me cum. Please, please, I-I've been goo- ah!"

A sudden wave of pleasure ran through him. He moaned loudly as he came. Spurts of the hot white liquid came shooting out of him. His thighs trembled and his lips quivered as he released onto the jacket that had brought him into this state to begin with. He imagined coming all over your pretty face, stomach, and thighs. His cum would look so good splattered onto you. He would lick it up afterwards.

Finally, he stroked himself until he completely finished. As soon as he did, he fell against the soft bed. He could not bring himself to clean up or even out on clothes. His pale naked body lay on the bed, attempting to find new pleasure out of sleep.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now