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Hey guys, just thought I'd mention...

Don't get me wrong, I love littlespace so much, but this book has nothing to do with it. Y/N's not a little, Jimin's not a little, Hobi's not a little...
n o o n e s a l i t t l e

I don't know, I just got the impression that some of y'all thought this was a little space book due to the constant praise Jimin uses during... you know.

However, praise is different from littlespace...

Thank you~


The next day you woke up late, and by late, you woke up 30 minutes past your alarm.

It was 7:30 and you needed to be ready by 8.

"Shoot!" you yelled, practically jumping out of head. You heard a low groan from beside you. Jimin.

"Oh, sorry. Jiminie, I have work today, so be a good boy and stay and home and don't make a mess, okay?" you said, petting his head slightly.

He pouted, but nodded, going back under the covers to continue his sleep.


After getting ready, you grabbed your coat and walked to the front door. Jimin came hurriedly down the stairs to see you off.

"Bye!" you said. As you walked off, you felt someone grab your arm and pull you back. Jimin closed the front door with his foot and pinned you against it.

"Where's my goodbye kiss, angel?" he breathed into your neck.
"Mm... nonexistent?"
"I don't think so." he said, before licking his lips and pressing them against yours.

You kissed him for about 5 seconds before you pulled away in disgust.

"YUCK! You gross little cat, you didn't even brush your teeth! Your breath smells like the bottom of my foot. Go away." you said, pushing him off you.

He laughed loudly before kissing you in the cheek and closing the door behind you as you left.


"Okay, where does this cow work." you mumbled, reaching for your phone to type in the address on your GPS.

Starting route to...

The GPS started talking and guiding you to your destination. You ran into a bit of traffic, but it was a mostly smooth drive. Thankfully, he worked in a nice area. There were plenty of people around the crowded city streets.

Soon, you pulled up in front of a large building, and by large... it was large. I mean it was massive.

"WHAT?! No way in frickety frackity heck does Jinnie work here. I mean, he's a CEO, but... only of a couple restaurants. It's not like he's some huge owner of some big company, although that's what this building looks like." you talked to yourself.

You shook your head and stepped out of your car, your heels clicking as you made your way through the dark parking garage into the main building.

Suddenly, a strong hand in a black glove covered your mouth, the other arm wrapping around your waist. You turned around to see a man with dark eyes and a black surgeon mask on that covered half of his face. He had sleek black bangs and a black cap on. His ears were pierced with dangling silver earrings.

Oh, he's kinda cute you thought.

You bit his finger, making him pull his hand away. Those gloves of his weren't too thick.

"HELP, SOMEONE! HELP! MOLEST!" you screamed.
The man chased after you through the parking lot. It was so crowded with cars that you couldn't find the exit.

The dark-clothes man grabbed onto your purse and started pulling. You weren't about to lose that expensive purse, though, so you pulled back.
"You nasty cow! I payed good money for this and you're about to rip it. This is my nice purse! If you want a purse so bad I'll give you my everyday one, but this one was like 200 bucks so BACK OFF!" you shouted, ripping the purse away and smacking him with it.

He yelped as you continued to smack him with the purse.
"This should knock some sense into you, stupid!" you screamed, hitting him more with the purse.

"Uh, you okay there, Y/N?" you turned around to see Jin standing behind you.

He stood tall with his sleek black suit on, his nice shoes and briefcase in his hand. He licked his pink lips while looking between you and the man that you had previously been hitting.

"If your purse is so expensive, how come you're hitting him with it?" Jin questioned.

"HEY, you were standing there the whole time and didn't even help me?" you asked.

"No, I just came when you guys were having tug a war with the purse."

"Idiot, come help me now! He's still here!" you shouted, turning around to see that, in fact, the guy was still there, but sitting down and watching the scene in front of him.

Jin grabbed the man by the collar and pulled him close to his face.
"You're just asking for a beating, aren't you? I won't tolerate these types of things happening in my company." he said.

So it his company.

"Y/N, call the police." he said.



After the incident, the man was arrested. You thanked Jin for being there for you... most of the time.

"You don't have to work today after what happened. Just go home early, you can start tomorrow."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. I'd never want to make you stressed." he said, stepping closer to you. He leaned into your face slowly, his eyes hooded.

"Bye." he whispered into your ear, before leaving you in the parking lot.

Wait, how the heck am I supposed to find my way out?!

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now