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Jin's odd behavior around you was becoming more and more evident.

Whenever you went for a coffee or water break, he would come with you, always trailing behind and trying to start conversation. He always made sure you had the best of the best when it came to lunch, sometimes even making it for you himself. You two went out to eat all the time, ignoring the fact that Jin could eat at any of his own restaurants for free. It reminded you of Jimin's clinginess.

To make things worse, as soon as you got home, Jimin got upset because you smelled like Jin. He would have to scent you every night, sometimes marking you, and you would have to take an extremely long shower to get rid of the scent and please Jimin.

"What's up with this boss guy?" Jimin asked.
"What do you mean?"
"He's all over you... and I don't like it."
"You always come home smelling like him and I hate it. You should be smelling like me, and you're mine not his." he huffed.

"Aww, Jiminie~ You know I'll always love you the most, right?" you said.
He didn't respond.
"You're my favorite boy, my absolute favorite. I don't love any other boy as much as I love you. You're the most perfect kitty."

"Keep going." Jimin said as you laughed. He laid his head in your lap and begged you to scratch his head, which he happily complied to doing. He purred in content as he brought his head closer to your hands.

"I'm sorry, Jiminie. I promise I'll talk to him about it, okay?" Jimin nodded.


The next day, you decided to confront Jin at work.

"Oh, you seem a bit tense, Y/N." Taehyung said, glancing at you from his desk as you were about to enter Jin's office.

"Well, yeah, sort of."
"Talk to me." Tae said, and you nodded and sat next to him at his desk, playing with one of his pens.

"Well, Jin has been acting a bit... strange, lately."
"How do?"
"It seems like he's been flirting with me. Jimin noticed it, too, and he's been very upset about it. I'm not sure what to do."

Tae thought for a minute before answering.

"I'd confront him." he said.
"Yes, really. That isn't appropriate behavior in a workplace. Besides, you guys are just old friend. Nothing more, nothing less. He needs to stay in his lane and respect that you two will never be anything more."

"Periodt." you added. Tae giggled.
"Now, go in!" he said. You quickly scrambled to get to the door and stumbled into Jin's office.

"Quite the entrance there, Ms. Y/N." Jin remarked.
"Yeah, yeah. Listen, we need to ta-"
"I bought you a present!"
"A present? Why?"
"Because you deserve it. Look, I got you flowers and chocolates. It has all the good kinds like milk chocolate and caramel, none of that nasty coconut." he smiled.

"I'm flattered, but-"
"AND your favorite flowers. Don't they smell nice?" he asked, shoving them in your face.
"Well, yes, but-"
"Jin!" I yelled.

"What?" he said, giving me a confused look.
"Jin, you have to stop giving me these presents. It's a bit too much." you said, pushing away all the stuff he gave you.
"No buts. You make it seem like we're dating or something with all the stuff you give me." you said.

"I wish we were." he said.
"You heard me, Y/N. I said I wish we were dating."

I was very shocked. I didn't think Jin would go as far as to confess his love for me.

"Jin, I-" he advanced closer.
"Shh, just let it happen." he said backing me into a wall. His face was inches away from mine.

Suddenly, he leaned in and...

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now