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READSSS! I love you all~<3

You recalled last night's events as you woke up.

"I love you, Y/N."

You expected to feel strange, but... you heart swelled at the thought of Jimin saying he loved you. Did you like him? Most definitely. Were you going to tell him? No. You didn't want to freak him out. Plus, it's your duty to protect him, not expose him even more, emotionally or physically.
"Good morning, baby. What are you doing?" Jimin asked, his husky morning voice sending chills down your spine. He stroked your back slowly, pulling you back into his arms, as you had been sitting up in bed.
"Um... nothing." you said.
"Do I make you nervous, angel?" he whispered.
"Be honest."
"No, but... just... tingly." you said softly. Jimin giggled.
"I want to make you feel tingly all the time." he said, kissing your cheek. You laughed.

"Mm, how was last night?" Jimin asked.
"It was... fun." you said.
"Fun? Did he touch you?" Jimin growled, starting to get up.
"No, of course not!" you said, pressing a kiss against his back.
"Okay, good. You're all mine, angel~" Jimin said.
"What would you like for breakfast?" you asked.
"Mm, anything you make is good." he replied.
"Okay... how about chopped liver and onion?" you joked.
"Eww, then I guess I'll just have to have you for breakfast, then~" he said. You nervously chuckled.
"Y/N... I wasn't joking when I said I love you."
Crap, he knew.
"Oh... well, Jimin...I-" you looked into his sad eyes, feeling the regret of those three words he had told you last night seep into your skin.
"I love you, too, Jiminie." you said, confidently.

It was as if time froze.

Jimin was overjoyed. You loved him back... but in what way?

Before you could say anything else, Jimim kissed you.
Not on the cheek.
Not on the neck.
Not on the thighs.

Your lips.

You stood there awkwardly with your lips pressed tightly against his before sinking into the kiss. Your lips moving in perfect synch, tongues lapping over each other, slight nibbles and sucks- it was nothing short of a miracle. You both had to pull away for a second to catch your breath.

"Do you see how much I love you now, Y/N?" Jimin asked. You gulped and nodded.
"Word, baby." he said.

Oh gosh.

"Yes, Jiminie." you replied.
"Mm, so you're mine now. What was it called? A girl- girl..."
"Girlfriend!" you said. He chuckled.
"Yes, that's it. That's what you are. You belong to me and only me." he said, growling at the thought of you being with anyone else. You smiled brightly.

(A/N): Hey guys! Sorry that this chapter was a bit shorter than normal. I like to put out at least 2-3 chapters per day, but I was pretty busy so I put out a long one this morning and this is a short one for tonight. Tomorrow will be better~

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