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(A/N): YALL WE HIT 1k! TYSM!! I never thought I'd get this far. Thank you to everyone, whether you're just reading along, voting and commenting almost every chapter, or adding it to your library. I love you all~

The next morning was Saturday, meaning I'd have the whole day off from work. Of course, Jimin wanted to spend it with just me.
"What do you want for breakfast, my angel?" Jimin asked, stroking my hair and kissing my fingers.
"What do you mean? You can't cook, silly." I told him.
"Of course I can! I want to do something nice for you. Please let me try to cook. I'll follow the recipe book." Jimin pleaded. You sighed and nodded. Happily, he jumped up and ran downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast.

You stay in the bedroom to get a few extra minutes of rest before sitting up and turning on the t.v. You watch television for a few more minutes before you hear a large flattering sound in the kitchen. You run downstairs to see what happened.

"Oopsies." Jimin says. He had dropped a large bowl of batter all over the kitchen floor.
"I'm sorry." Jimin whimpered, his ears folding down to his head.
"Aww, it's okay, sweetie. I'll clean it up." you said, reaching for the mop.
"No!" Jimin stopped you.
"Wanna help you relax." Jimin mumbled, clutching onto your arms and rubbing his face into your neck.
"O-oh..." you stuttered. He took his grip off of your arm and onto your waist. He rubbed his tail over your knees. Slowly, he turned you around before passionately kissing you. He pushed you up against the counter, picking you up and setting you down. He stood in between your legs, slowly kissing your neck and leaving purple marks everywhere. You shuddered and moaned with each one. Suddenly, he hit down on the nape of your neck. You screamed, but then he soothed it with his tongue. He lifted up your shirt to kiss all over your stomach.

He lowered himself down to press one kiss on the insides of each of your thighs.
"So beautiful..." he muttered, pressing another kiss onto the soft skin between your legs. Your squirmed a bit, but his grip on your waist remained tight, only loosening it up so that it would not be painful. He slowly licked over the marks that he left.

He smirked as you tried to steady your breath. You gulped as he helped you off the counter, your knees feeling like jello.

This was going to be a long day.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now