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That morning I woke up in sheer panic.

A thousand thoughts ran through my head. I had left Jimin alone... at night. We cuddle every night, so he must have been lonely. What if he cried? I know how needy he is. What if something happened to him? What if he got hurt? What if he's super mad... well, that we know.

"Shoot." I whispered to myself. I looked next to me and saw Jin still asleep. I got up as quietly as I could and made my way through his big house. It was almost impossible to find my way around. There were multiple connecting hallways. Where was the dang staircase?

"Y/NNIE?!" Jin shouted. Shoot, he knows I'm awake. I quickly ran from door to door, trying to find the exit. Finally, I found the staircase. I walked down and went out the back door when I realized... I don't have a car.

"Ugh, what am I supposed to do now?"
There was no way to get home, at least not without somebody's help. The neighborhood wasn't that big, minus the extremely large houses. It was only a 5 minute walk into town, but your house was way farther than that. You decided to just walk to a gas station.

You quickly ran in your busted up heels to the station. As soon as you walked in, everyone stared at you. That was when you realized... you looked like crap. You had just woken up, and you hadn't bothered to wipe off your makeup from last night or change out of your wrinkled clothing. Your hair, that was once a beautifully pinned together bun, now looked like a rat's nest. You sighed and ignored the stares, going to the corner of the room and pulling out your almost dead phone. You decided to call an Uber. You found a nice female Uber to come pick you up.

You walked out of the gas station after buying a pack of mint gum and a bottle of water, not thinking of the fact that your mouth would turn into Antarctica after consuming both. You saw the Uber waiting outside. Quickly, you ran over to her car and hopped in, checking the doors to make sure they didn't lock, first. You weren't trying to get kidnapped.

"Where to?" she asked, smiling.
"Xxx Street." you replied. She nodded and started to drive

After the drive, you payed the lady and stepped out of the car. You paused at your front door. You knew you were in serious trouble. You could almost imagine what the look on Jimin's face would be after you walked through that door. You unlocked the door with your keys as slowly as possible.

When you opened the door, it was pitch black.
"J-Jimin...?" you whimpered, shaking with regret.

Suddenly, you were slammed against the wall. Your bags fell out of your hands. The only thing you could see was black, and the only thing you could feel was warmth and the pain of Jimin's fingers digging into your hips. He let out an animalistic growl.
"You're in so much trouble." he growled darkly.

"What makes you think you can just go around spending the night at random guys' houses, hmm?" he asked, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
"U-um... how did you know it was a guy?" you stuttered quietly.
"I can smell him on you." he growled loudly. He lost control and wrapped his large hand around your neck, squeezing slightly, but not enough to restrict your entire airflow. You gasped and bit your lip.
"Oh, honey, are you scared?" he said lowly. You could almost see the smirk on your face.
"But we haven't even started your punishment yet." he whispered. You gulped.

He trailed his fingertip down the side of your neck, stopping at a particular spot. Before you knew it, he placed his mouth on it. He bit at it, nibbling gently. You were about to moan, but he suddenly bit down... hard. Hard enough to make you scream his name loudly.
"Mm, look at you. You're all pretty and marked for me." he said, admiring his work on your neck. You had forgotten that cats had heightened senses, one of those being excellent vision. He must be able to see you in the dark.

You writhed a bit in his hold, his grip on your neck tightening.
"Stop squirming." he growled into your ear. You quickly stopped moving and let him kiss you.
"Good girl." he said. You couldn't deny the fact that you loved being praised.

He kissed your mouth roughly, picking up your wrists and pinning them up against your head as he devoured your mouth. He picked you up completely, still kissing you, and brought you up to what you thought was the bedroom. Thankfully, there was a lamp in there, so you could see what Jimin looked like.

His blond hair looked almost wet with the way it hung on his head. You could see the sweat on his face, making it shine. His pink tongue darted out to lick his perfectly plump pink lips. His eyes were hooded and filled with lust as he stared down at you. He suddenly smirked, noticing your staring.

"I'm going to wreck you."

Y'all want smut? If not, I won't write it.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now