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The next morning, you woke up refreshed, glad that you had today off, as Namjoon had promised. You walked downstairs to make some breakfast while Jimin was still asleep. You made some delicious blueberry pancakes for Jimin and Nutella pancakes for yourself, since for some strange reason, he hated it. You poured one cup of tea for yourself and a glass of milk for Jimin.


"So, what do you want to do today Jiminie~" you asked, sitting down to eat your delicious food.
"I dunno, anything you want." he said.
"I don't have anything in mind." you replied. You were about to take a bite of your pancake with Jimin ripped the fork out of your hand.
"Hey, wait-" you were startled as Jimin wordlessly shoved it into your mouth.

"Shh, I'm going to feed you, angel." he said, and before you could refuse, he shoved another piece into your mouth. You sighed and let him feed you until you were full. You did the same with him.

After your breakfast, you two decided to go to the mall to pick out some clothes for Jimin, and also so that you could get some new clothing. You would also stay here for lunch. You hurriedly got ready and encouraged Jimin to do the same. You wore a cute sleeveless yellow top with some jeans, and Jimin wore a black sweatshirt over a white t-shirt with some jeans, as well. You put a black baseball cap on his head to hide his ears. He kissed you on the nose and you two were off to the mall.


After arriving at the mall, you went into Macy's to go dress shopping, hoping you could find a hidden gem in the endless amount of strange looking clothes and Bermuda shorts. You found two cute dresses: one that was maroon with small flowers all over it, and another that was black and spaghetti  strap with white gridlines. You looked around some more before leaving.

As you walked through the mall, you started to get chilly. You shivered as you felt the cold air of the mall whip past your arms. Jimin noticed this.
"Are you cold?" he asked. You nodded.
"Here." he said, taking off his sweatshirt to give to you. You shook your head at first, so he grabbed you and quickly put it on over your head, forcing you to wear it. You rolled your eyes and he just smirked.

"Come on, let's get some lunch." you told him.


You made it to the mall food court before the lunch rush. Jimin wanted some fried rice and cream cheese rangoons, so you purchased it for him.
"Thank you!" he said. You smiled and nodded.
You then went to get some pizza for yourself before you both sat down at a table that looked the most clean.

After a bit of eating silently, you decided to call Hoseok and see how caring for Yoongi was going.

"Hobi?" you said.
"Y-Y/N..." his voice faltered. You could hear a bunch of squeaky sounds.
"What's wrong?" you asked, extremely worried.
"N-nothing... I just- oh, Yoongi." he moaned out.


You quickly hung up, praying that Jimin hadn't heard anything.
"So, how is he?" Jimin asked, taking a bite of his rice.
"Er... well... I mean, fine but... I don't know if he'll be walking anytime soon." you cringed.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now