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Jimin kept on bothering me as I put on my makeup. When I finished it, I changed into my dress. It was spaghetti strap and a sparkly light pink color. I had a choker decorated with white diamonds (fake ones) and white knee high boots, as my dress went to mid-thigh, so thigh high boots wouldn't have been the best option.
Jimin stared at me like a piece of meat, licking his lip as his lust-filled eyes gazed into mine.

"Y/N... you look... stunning." he said, walking over to you

You gulped.

"Um, thanks! Anyways, Namjoon is here, gotta blast!" you said, but before you could get out the door, Jimin grabbed you by the strap of your dress, causing you to fall backwards into his arms. He smirked and went down to mark up your neck, but you escaped his grasp. He growled.
"Don't let him touch you..." he warned.
"I won't. Bye, Jiminie~" you waved. He kissed you on the cheek and let you go.

His feelings towards you were confusing, but he knew one thing: he wanted to other guy to ever look at you besides himself. He wanted you all to himself and he would stop at nothing to get that.


You walked out of your house to see a black Lamborghini. You saw Namjoon in the drivers seat and man... did he look hot. His lips were red and wet, his eyes sharp, his veiny hands gripping the steering wheel.
He got out of the car and you saw his tuxedo and slick black shoes. He went to greet you.

"Hello, Y/N." he said. You were glad he dropped the 'Ms.' in front of your name. Outside of the workplace, that would be awkward.
"Hi, Namjoon!" you greeted him, smiling brightly.
"Thank you for inviting me to dinner." you said.
"No problem, sweetness." he smirked, brushing a stray strand of hair out of your face. You blushed and looked to the side of him, trying to avoid his gaze, causing you to see Jimin spying at you threw the window. You glared at him with a look that said 'go away'. He closed the curtains, and the mini episode caused you to snap back to reality.
"Well, let's go!" you said. Namjoon nodded and opened the car door for you. You thanked him. You slipped a mint into your mouth and spritzed on a bit of your perfume before Namjoon got back into the car.

Soon, you were off.


When you got to the restaurant, Namjoon opened the door for you to walk in. You could tell this place was fancy, from the beautiful indoor fountain in the middle of the restaurant to the gold trimmings of the walls and crystal chandeliers above every table. You admired the area before you were greeted by a lady at the front desk.

"Hi there!" you said.
"Hello. We have a reservation in the 'Diamond Room' for Kim Namjoon." Namjoon said.
"Oh... right this way!" the lady said, quickly bringing you to a beautifully decorated room.
All the dining , private seating, and party rooms had special themes. The 'Diamond Room' seemed to be the most grand of all. The room was large and obviously meant for some type of event, but there was a single table in it with two chairs. The room's walls were mirrors, and there was a large chandelier dangling front the high ceiling. There was a fireplace and a large area that was obviously meant for dancing. Namjoon whispered something to a waiter and some smoother jazz music started to play.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kim." greeted a server. You almost spit out your almost dissolved breath mint.
"Oh, actually, we're not marri-"
"Hi! I'd like to order some champagne, please." Namjoon suddenly said.
"Alright." the waiter replied, walking away.

You scoffed and Namjoon just winked. You had to admit, this would be a dream come true to any girl. Sitting at a fancy restaurant in the most expensive private room, your date being a famous vet and a surgeon, and also a handsome and wealthy man. Anyone would be flirting their behind off trying to get with him for his money and good lucks, but you didn't. Yet, he would always try to flirt with you, even though you brushed him off.

"So, was there any specific reason you invited me out to dinner?" you asked.
"Mm, I just wanted to treat you for all of your hard work at the clinic." he said. You couldn't tell what his true intention were.
"Oh... okay." you said. You spent a few minutes looking at the restaurant's extensive menu. You wondered what you should get. There were a lot of fancy dishes, but in the end, you just decided to get Alfredo Pasta.
Soon enough, the waiter cane back, carrying a large bucket full of ice, two glasses, and two bottles of champagne. Namjoon thanked the waiter, and he poured both of you some of the champagne. He also set a basket full of breadsticks on the table, as well as a dish with some creamy butter.

"Mmm, it's nice, isn't it?" you said.
"Yes, it's very nice." he replied.
"What would you both like to order?" the waiter asked, getting out his notepad.
"I'll have the Alfredo Pasta." you said.
"I'd like the filet mignon with a salad." he said.
"Alright." the waiter said, while collecting your menus and leaving the room.

When Namjoon was about to ask you a question, your phone suddenly rang.
Hobi❤️ is calling...
You laughed nervously and hung up quickly. He called again, but you just hung up.
"Uh... is that important? You can take it." he said.
"Nope!" you replied. Hopefully it wasn't important...

Suddenly, you received a boatload of text messages, causing your phone to vibrate and ding repeatedly. You laughed and excused yourself, quickly calling back Hoseok.

"Hoseok, what the heck is wrong with you?! I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING YOU RATCHET LITTLE PIECE OF-" a waiter walked by, cringing at your words. You laughed nervously and smiled, pretending like you hadn't just gone of on Hoseok.
"Hello? This isn't Hoseok." you heard a voice say.
"Jiminie...? But, why are you calling? How do you have Hobi's phone?" you questioned.
"He came over because he was bored, so I just let him in. I told him where you were, and he asked if I wanted to call you." he explained.
"Ugh, that annoying little boy, he knew I was out at dinner, yet, he still wanted you to call."
"I want to know what's happening? Did he touch you? I swear, if he lays even one finger on you I will tear him apart and throw him into the nearest la-"
"He's fine!" you quickly said. Jimin sighed.
"You should have stayed home. I miss you, angel." he whined. You blushed at his words.
"Aww, I miss you too, Jiminie~! Don't worry, I'll leave soon, I think the food is about to arrive any second now. I'll text you when I'm on my way home, alright?" you said.
"Okay. Bye, angel." he said. You say your goodbyes to him, hung up, and walked back into the room to see your food later out on the table.

"Sorry, haha. It was just... my mom! She just checks in on me from time to time." you lied. You couldn't tell him you had a cat hybrid at your house!
"Oh, okay." he said, smiling. You both ate your food and engaged in small talk.
"This food is so good!" you said.
"Only the finest for my Y/N~" he said. You blushed.
"Let's dance." he said, taking your hand and bringing you to the dance floor. Suddenly, the lights dimmed a bit.

It was just you and Namjoon, him holding you in his arms, surrounding you in warmth, swaying with the gentle music... but something didn't feel right. You were in such a romantic place with a handsome and rich guy, but you didn't feel... love. You pushed him away.

"Oh, would you look at the time! I promised my mom I'd bring her some... milk!" you lied.
"Milk? Can't you just do that tomorrow?" he asked, gripping your waist.
"Uh... no, she uhm... she has to have milk every 5 hours and she ran out so... gotta blast!" you said, grabbing your purse.
"But, don't you need a ride there?" he asked.
"Got an uber!" you told him.
"But wait- don't you want your leftover food?" he questioned.
"Nope, gotta go.! Thanks for dinner, I'll pay you back the bill tomorrow!" you said.
"No need." he called back after you.


When you arrived home after hurriedly calling an uber. When you opened the door, you didn't see any traces of Hoseok. He must have left before you got there. However, you did see a very sleepy Jimin passed out on the couch. You giggled, slipping off your boots and getting on the couch next to him. You pulled a blanket over the both of you. Jimin must have noticed your presence, because he instantly wrapped his arms around you, pressing you into his warm chest.
"Goodnight, Jiminie." you said.
"Goodnight, Y/N." he mumbled.

"I love you, Y/N."

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now