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"This is a really nice restaurant." I said, smiling at Jin.

The restaurant he had taken me to served delicious hot pot, and when I say delicious, I mean delicious. Moonstar Pot, the downtown restaurant, was absolutely amazing. The seating was nice and the ceiling lit up different colors, which entertained everyone.

We ordered our drinks and Jin started a conversation.

"So, you work at the clinic. How is it there?" he asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"It's nice. The pay is good. I'm the head receptionist."
"Head receptionist?"
"Yep, that means I divide up the paperwork, handle major affairs, etc. Basically, I'm the head of the front office." you said.
"Oh, that's good!"

"So, what do you do?" you asked.
"I own a restaurant. Multiple, actually. The popular one on the corner Redding Avenue is one of them." he said.
"Oh my gosh, I love that restaurant! It's one of my favorites. I can't believe you own it. Is it hard having to look over so many restaurants?" you asked.
"Mm, sometimes, but it's fun to just hop from place to place, work a bit if I want, and collect the money. I've actually got a culinary degree. I went to a culinary school." he said, taking another sip of his drink.
"Wow, look at you Mr. Chef!" you said, giggling.

Suddenly, you got a call. It was from Namjoon.

You gasped.

"What's wrong?" asked Jin.
"Um, nothing. It's my boss. Can I take this?"
"Sure, go ahead." he replied. You nodded and walked to the bathroom area where it was a bit quieter to take the call.

"Y-Y/N!" you heard someone slurr.
"Uh, Namjoon?"
"Hehe, Joonie-ah, what are you doooooing? Oh, mmm! That's my sensitive spot, hehe." you heard a squeaky voice sound. It sounded familiar.
"It's over between us, I'm with, uh... Ms. Lee nowwwww." Namjoon slurred.
"Um, sorry to break it to you, but we never had anything." you said.
"Haha, Y/NNNNNN, looks like I'm getting your job, hehe. Joonie said I could have ittttt." you heard your coworker obnoxiously say.
"I don't care."
"You're fired, haha." you heard Namjoon slurr. Then, the phone hung up.


Fired? Was he joking, or was he serious? Fired. Why was he with that butt-ugly receptionist girl? She must have gotten him drunk. You started to cry. What were you going to do? You needed that job.
You walked back over to the table, tears pouring down your face.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" he asked.
"Tell me."
"Y/N, tell me right this instant."
"Fine, then I'm bringing you home. Poor thing." he said. Before you could disagree, he took off his coat and wrapped it around your shoulders, taking your bag and bring you out the door and into his car. He turned the warm air on, wrapping his coat tighter around you. He handed you some water and a tissue.

He brought you home, but not to yours.

Instead, he pulled up to a massive mansion. It was the most beautiful house you had ever seen. It was very modern looking, and had a beautiful garden on the front lawn. He pulled into the driveway, stopped the car, and brought you into the house. He brought you into his bedroom and set you down on the bed. You stared at him taking off his jacket and shoes. He loosened his tie a bit, and then came over to you.

"Now, tell me what's wrong." he said, pulling you closer to him and stroking your hair.
You missed this.

You missed those late nights in the dorm room when Jin would sneak over into your room and you would laugh and talk together. You missed when Jin would wrap his arms right around you into a back hug every time he greeted you. You missed Jin and you cuddling in bed, him messing up your hair and you giggling and nuzzling closer to him. You missed being best friends with him, and now, you felt so comfortable... almost as if he had never left.

"It's... it's my boss." you sniffled. He nodded at you to continue.
"I got a call. I-it was from him... Namjoon. I don't know if you saw him or not. He owns the clinic. H-he had one of their receptionists with him, a rival of mine. They were... they were." you sobbed louder.
"Shh, s'okay. Take your time, honey." he said. He soothed you, rubbing your back some more and repeatedly shushing you.
"H-he was doing bad stuff with her. And then, he fired me. I-I don't have a job anymore, Jin. There are no other clinics by my house. What am I supposed to do?" you cried.
"It's okay, Y/N. Just breathe. You can work with me." he said.
"W-with you?"
"I need a secretary, as my old one quit."
"You think you could do that for me?" he asked.
"Yes, thank you so much!" you cried, wrapping your arms around him. He smiled to himself. He loved making you happy like this.

"No problem." he said

You two fell asleep together.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now