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After a little while longer in the hospital, you were free to go home. Yoongi and Hoseok has brought you clothes from your house to change out of your hospital gown. It was a difficult process, as your body was still healing from the injuries. You put on the loose shorts and oversized sweatshirt with the help of Jimin in the small hospital bathroom. You were given some crutches to help you walk until the stab wound on your leg completely healed. You had also gotten a prescription for medicine you needed to pick up from the pharmacy.

After signing some paperwork, you, Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok walked out of the hospital and into Hoseok's car.

"I'm so happy to be out of that stuffy hospital room! My leg still hurts but I feel much better." you smiled.
"I'm glad you're feeling better, angel." Jimin grinned and kissed your cheek, wrapping his arms around you in the backseat.

"Where are we going...?" Yoongi questioned.
"Mmm... the pharmacy. We need to pick up the medication for Y/N. Can we get ice cream after?" Hoseok turned around to look at you.

"The doctor said not to eat too many sweets..." Jimin told Hoseok. You pouted.
"Oh, sorry. We don't have to get it, then. The pharmacy is this way... right?" Hoseok questioned as he continued to drive.


The four of you arrived at the pharmacy and walked in. The three boys huddled closely around you in a protective manner, which you appreciated after what happened with Namjoon.

You walked up to the medicine counter.
"Hi, I have a prescription for X pills!" you said.
"What's your name?" the lady working there asked.
"Y/L, Y/N." you replied. The woman working there gave you a nasty look.

"Um... is there a problem?" Jimin questioned.
"You're the girl Namjoon dumped for me." grinned the lady. You almost choked. That witch was working here? Why wasn't she at the clinic?

"And what of it?" you replied sassily.
"Tough talk for a girl with no boyfriend." she remarked.
"Tough talk for a girl with a nappy weave." you replied, smirking.

She gasped and reached for her head.
"It's not nappy..." she said, glaring.
"Also, I'll have you know that this 'boyfriend' of yours snuck into my hospital room and tried to hurt my friends while begging for me to date him." you said.

"I... that can't be true... ugh, I don't care. Just take your stupid medication and leave." she said.

She shoved a bottle of pills into your hands and walked away.
"How dare she." growled Jimin. He was about to talk to her again when you put your hand on his arm.
"Don't, shes not worth it." you said.

Hoseok and Yoongi walked over to the manager and told them about the lady.
"I am so sorry that happened, it will be dealt with accordingly!" she said.
You all laughed as you walked back to the car.

Hoseok took you and the others back to your house. The first thing you noticed was how messy the living room looked.
"Um... care to explain what happened here?"


After everything was cleaned up, you were about to cook dinner.
"Wait, no, I'll cook it." Jimin said.
"Um... are you sure about that?" you asked.
"Yes, of course. I'll get Hoseok to help, too. Yoongi isn't the best cook..." Jimin trailed off.
"I heard that." Yoongi said from the couch.

"Well, if you're sure..."
"Of course, I could never let my baby work when she's hurt like this. Just sit back and relax while we cook, okay?" he said. You nodded and he told you to lay down on the couch.

Everyone ate the delicious meal prepared. Yoongi and Hoseok spent the night at your house.

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~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now