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You decided enough was enough. You hadn't been at work for a while, yet, you were still being paid. What was Jin up to? You had absolutely no idea. Why didn't he return your messages and calls? You did not want money for work that you were not doing.

You decided to think about everything today, and let Jimin go to the park with Yoongi and Hoseok, since you were obviously not in the mood. Since it was early morning, you made yourself breakfast.

You dig through your fridge and picked out some orange juice, kimchi, a bowl of lightly-colored soup, and some rice. You heated up the soup and poured it into a small bowl. You added some tap water to the rice and popped it in the microwave to make it less hard, then enjoyed it. You scrolled through your social media while eating. You found it strange that neither Jin nor his company's pages had posted anything since Jin had stopped speaking to you. Could this small argument be affecting his entire life?

You decided not to think about it. You would not be Jin's, but only Jimin's girlfriend. You smiled at the thought of him and reminded yourself to scratch his ears later. You decided to call Taehyung to see if he had any knew news. Maybe he knew what was happening with Jin now.

"Hello?" answered Tae after you called him.
"Hi, this is Y/N." you said, having to clarify since he was at work and using the receptionist phone instead of his own cell.

"Oh, hi! What's the fall for?" he asked.
"Um... I haven't showed up to work in forever. Plus, Jin is still paying me. I feel bad for being payed for stuff I'm not doing. So many other people are out of work and have no money." you said.

"Oh... well, you see, Jin hasn't been showing up to work, either." Tae said.
"WHAT?!" you were surprised.
"Strange, right? He said he was going on a business trip and I haven't seen him since. He told me I was in charge, so I have been trying my best to run the company as best as I can. It's really hard work." Tae said, sighing.

"I'm sorry about that. That's so unlike him, isn't it?"
"Yes, it really is. I don't know what to tell you... just be safe and accept the money." Taehyung said, and before you could reply, he hung up.

You sighed and dramatically threw your head against your pillow. What was Jin doing? Why wouldn't he answer your calls and texts? Is he hiding something...?


Hours passed with nothing to do but sit around and watch t.v. The day was filled with endless boredom. You decided to turn on the television and watch.

"This just in, CEO Kim Seokjin has been reported as missing. No further information."

You gasped at the news. Missing? Was he kidnapped? He wasn't just "on a business trip"... Were the police even searching for him?

You felt tears stream from your eyes. Poor Jinnie. Even if you were slightly mad, you still missed him. You didn't want him to be in harms way.


Later on, Jimin, you, Hoseok, and Yoongi had all finished a light dinner. After cleaning, Hobi and Yoongi left.

Jimin walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.
"What's wrong, angel?" he asked, slowly kissing up and down your neck while massaging your waist gently.

"Nothing." you quickly replied.
"That's a lie. I can sense when you're upset. Now, tell me what it is." he said, leading you upstairs and practically throwing you on the bed.

"It's... it's Jin."
"What about that ugly piece of-"
"WATCH YOUR TONE." you shouted.
Jimin apologized and motion for you to continue.
"It's Jin. He's been reported missing."
"The police said he is missing."
"Oh no..." Jimin said a bit uncaringly.

While Jimin cared about you and your happiness, he was secretly happy that Jin was not messing with your relationship. Finally, he had you all to himself.

"Try not to think about it, baby. It's not good for you to be so stressed out like this." Jimin cooed, stroking your cheek.
"I know, I know. It's just hard not to think about it." you sighed, leaning further into his touch.

"Mm... I think I can distract you." Jimin said.

Before you could say anything, he flipped you over so that you were laying on your stomach. Jimin slowly trailed his fingertips down your back until he reached the end of your shirt. He slowly lifted it up, exposing your back. You shivered at the cold air rushing against your bare skin.

He slowly ran his hands all over your back, warming it up before slowly pressing his fingers into it. He worked magic, massaging your back, neck, and shoulders. You were instantly relaxed by his touch.

"Are you enjoying this, honey?" he asked.
"Y-yes..." you said, struggling to speak.
"Mm... you know what I would enjoy even more?" he asked, slowly moving his hands down towards your thighs.

"Hmm, I think I'll massage these pretty little thighs of yours now." he smirked. You gasped as he hurried his hands into your thighs, massaging deeply and slowly creeping them up towards your...

"Oh, look, time for bed!" you said, quickly jumping up and shutting off the lamps.

You heard Jimin groan and wrap his arms around you.

"You're such a tease, I swear."

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now