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I enjoy reading all of your comments lol. Thank you for all of the support. Oop- we hit 2k! Thank you so much for all the support! Thanks you for the votes and saving this book to your library.

Sorry for the few updates. I've just been so busy. Don't worry, I'll start uploading everyday soon. Just needed a bit of time to get back on my feet~

I love you guys~
Okay onto the chapter now.

Later during your relaxing day, you decided to check your Facebook. You didn't really use it that often, not only because of the old people stereotype that you were desperately trying to avoid, but because it was just... boring. You saw that you had a new message request.
You have 1 new message: Kim Seokjin.

You decided to click on it.

Seokjin: Hi, Y/N. Remember me? I bet you don't. We were close friends in college before you went on to med school. I saw you were living in the same town as me. Do you want to possibly meet up today?

You thought for a moment, suddenly remembering Jin.
"Oh my gosh! Jinnie-!" you cried out. You couldn't believe he remembered you. While you were laughing to yourself, Jimin, who has fallen asleep next to you after 5 minutes of ear strokes, woke up.
"Hm?" he muttered.
"Oh, you woke up." you gave Jimin a quick scratch on the head. He purred.
"Mm, more." he nuzzled his face into your lower stomach, purring as your scratched his head. Suddenly, he stopped.

"What's wrong?" you asked.
"Who's Jinnie?" he asked. You could see the confusion in his eyes.
"Mm... an old friend of mine from college. He's really nice." you said.
"Him?" he started to lowly growl, but then stopped when he realized what you said before about not being so possessive. It's not fair, he wanted you all to himself.
He then started to whine, clutching onto your thighs and burying his face in deeper.
"I- why- don't leave me please!" he whined. You were utterly shocked.
"J-Jimin, I-" you stuttered.
"Please, don't leave me..." he said.
"I would never." you said, hugging him.
"I'm sorry. I just- I didn't want to be possessive like you said, but it's so hard to hold back, you know?" he wiped his tears.
"Oh, Jiminie~ you don't have to hold back. It's okay to be yourself." you reassured him. He smiled and nodded.
"So, you still like me the best?" he looked up at you with hopeful eyes.
"Of course, honey." you said, smiling and ruffling his ears.
"Yay!" he kissed you all over your face. Your constant giggling and small stops encouraged him even more.


You decided to reply to Jin's message.
You: Hi, Jinnie. It's been so long, but of course I remember you! Do you want to meet up for dinner?

Jin: Sure. Hot pot?

You: You know it.

Jin: Okay, I'll meet you there at 7.

You: Deal!

You smiled. He remembered your enormous love of hot pot. Who could not love it? You smiled to yourself and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of milk that was requested by Jimin. After getting it, you went back upstairs and handed it to him. He thanked you and continued watching the movie that you put on for him on your laptop.

A few hours and many movies later, you told Jimin you had to get ready for something.

"For what?" he asked.
"Jin and I are going out." you replied, trying to pick out a cute outfit.
"Going out? Where?" he questioned further.
"A restaurant." you said.
"Why. You don't need to go out, just stay in and cuddle with me." he said.
"No, but-"
"Stay. In. With. Me." he growled, tearing the dress out of your hands and clutching your waist.
"I said stay in. I don't want you near him." he said.
"But what am I supposed to say-"
"Tell him you don't feel well. Tell him you don't want to see him. I don't care what you tell him, but you're mine." he growled.

He turned you around and started to aggressively kiss you. You could feel him trying to dominate the kiss, so you just didn't fight and let him kiss you harshly. He pushed you up against a wall, kissing up and down your neck, littering it with marks that would soon turn into a dark shade of purple.

"Who do you belong do?" he asked. You whispered. He wrapped one hand around your waist, the other loosely wrapping around your throat.
"Say it." he growled.
"Y-you." you stuttered.


~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now