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After having fun at the park, you, Jiminie, Yoongi, and Hoseok decide to celebrate at your house with a nice meal! You ordered food from a nearby restaurant. They had amazing kimchi, noodles, and mayo rice balls. You ordered that in bulk, knowing that the boys were probably hungry after all the running around they did at the park.

When the food arrived, you and Yoongi set the table, while Hoseok and Jiminie picked a movie to watch afterwards.
"I'm going to miss you, Yoongles." you said, scratching his ear.
"I'll miss you, too. Thanks for taking care of me. My previous owner... he was very abusive. That's why I had all of those scratches and bruises. He forced me to do horrible things, threatening to expose my identity if I didn't listen. You know... if we were ever exposed... we would be taken to some horrible lab for testing. Thank you for being kind." he said, a few tears running down his puffy cheeks.
"Aww, I'm so sorry, Yoongi. Don't worry, we would never do any of that to you, I promise." you said, pulling him into a warm hug.
He cried a bit more before cheering up and sitting down. You wiped his tears and pressed a cool cloth to his face to relieve the redness and his headache.


After Yoongi was feeling better, you called the boys for dinner. You poured them all glasses of juice for a toast, because nO aLcOhOl iN tHiS hOuSehOlD!

"To Yoongi and his new home!" you said. You all cheered and clinked together your juice-filled shot glasses.
"So, Yoongi, what's your favorite color?" Hoseok asked.
"Black." he replied.
"Does black even count as a color?" Jimin asked, chewing on a rice ball.
"Yes." Yoongi said bluntly before taking a sip of his juice.
"Okay, we can decorate your room that color! Let's go shopping tomorrow." Hoseok said.
"Okay." Yoongi replied.
It was becoming increasingly obvious to Hoseok that Yoongi... well, he didn't talk much. He continued to drill Yoongi with various questions to get him to open up more. Yoongi only responded in one-word answers.
"You know, Hoseok, you should ask questions that require more in-depth responses, rather than quick ones like 'What's your favorite food' or 'What's your favorite deodorant scent'..." you whispered to him.
"Yeah, that question was a bit weird..." Jiminie said, overhearing your conversation.
"What are you all whispering about?" Yoongi asked.
"Nothing!" you all said.

But Yoongi had heard everything.


The next day, you and Jiminie woke up comfortably. You didn't have work, thankfully, so you could enjoy sleeping in.
You enjoyed the warmth of Jimin's strong arms wrapped around your waist, his warm legs tangled in yours, his soft plump lips pressing kisses along your neck as you squirmed.
"Mm... stop squirming, baby." Jimin said in his deep scratchy morning voice.
"I... J-Jiminie~ Stop-ah! Stop that..." you told him, trying to get out of his grip.
"Why? Aren't you enjoying it?" he smirked, replacing one arm around your waist with his tail.
"No..." you lied.
"Doesn't it feel good." he purred, wrapping his hand around your throat.
"Y-ye... no! No, get off me!" you said, finally getting out of Jimin's death-grip.

"Y/N... come back!" he whined. You just shook your head and went to take a nice long shower.


When you finished showering, you came back out to see Jimin waiting for you on the bed. He opened out his arms to you so that you could cuddle some more, but suddenly, your phone rang. Jimin got to it before you did.

"Dr. Kim? Who's that?" he questioned before you snatched the phone out of his hand.

"Hello?" you answered the phone.
"Ms. Y/N, how are you this morning?" he asked.
"Good... how are your Dr. Kim?" you asked.
"Fine... and don't call me Dr. Kim, you can just call me Namjoon, jagi." he said. You blushed a bit and Jimin noticed, becoming upset that you were talking to another person besides him.

"Who is that man? Let me talk to him. I want to tell him that you're mine..." he whined, trying to grab the phone.
"What was that? Sorry, I have poor connection." Namjoon said.
"I SAID THAT SHE IS MI-" you clamped Jimin's mouth shut with your hand.
"Nothing, haha... Anyways, what did you call for?" you asked him.
"Oh, right! I wanted to invite you to dinner." he said.

You were shocked.

"Uh... d-dinner? Where?" you asked.

Jimin huffed. You had better not be going out with anyone other than him.

"There's this lovely Italian restaurant called La Camilla. I would be delighted if you would come." he said. You could practically see the smirk on his face through the phone.
"Mm... I don't know..." you trailed off.
"Please? I'll let you off work tomorrow." he said.
"Okay, sure!" you said, smiling. Anything for a break.
"Okay, I can't wait to see you." he said. You bit your lip.

"Bye bye~" you hung up and turned around to see Jimin staring at your angrily.
"What's wrong?" you asked him.
"Dinner? With who?" he asked.
"No one that you know." you said, looking at your nails. You'd need another coat of polish.
"Did I not tell you you're mine...?" he crawled towards you on the bed. You stayed still.
"Um..." you looked down.
"Answer me." he said. His fingers lifted your chin up to his glaring eyes.
"Do I need to show you?" he asked, gripping the bottom of your oversized shirt.
"That mark I gave you seems to be fading away..." he said, his lust-filled eyes gazing down at your neck, the purple mark had faded a lot.
"Mm... I'd love to mark up that pretty little neck of yours..." he whispered into your ear.

He went down to kiss over the mark, slightly sucking on the skin surrounding it. He moaned at the taste of your soft sweet skin. He nibbled at the mark before pulling away.

"Maybe another time..." he whispered before getting off the bed and walking away.

What's wrong with him?

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now