
9K 243 46

This chapter contains smut, or dirty nasty stuff, so if you're uncomfortable with that just skip this chapter. You won't miss anything~

Also, we hit 20k... THANK YOU SO MUCH! That has always been my goal, so thank you for supporting, hehe.

Now here's the smut since all y'all been begging for it...


"Um, Jimin, I don't think we should-"
"Shh." he shushed me and pressed his plump lips on my neck.

"I- ah~ n-no... you have to stop. I don't think nows the right time to do this-"
"Does it look like I care?" he growled out, clutching onto your waist.

Obviously not you thought to yourself at the rhetorical question.

"Mm... thought so." he said, playing with the bottom of your shirt, twirling it between his slender fingers.
"Let's take this off, honey, hm?" he said.
You bit your lip and nodded, watching as he slowly pulled the shirt up and over your head.

"Oh, honey, you look so pretty for me... being all exposed." Jimin whispered, trailing open-mouthed kisses up and down your stomach.
"So soft and sweet, your skin is so smooth and delicious." he breathed in your scent before trailing his kisses lower.

He spelt bit and nibbled and the insides of your thighs, taking in your lovely scent. He moaned as if it was even half as pleasurable for him as it was for you.

Your thighs clenched together at the sensitivity, making Jimin growl.
"Oh, no, honey, I don't think so. Spread those pretty legs for me so I can mark up those beautiful thighs of yours, okay?"

You nodded.
"Good girl." he whispered, going back to leaving teasing kisses.

"Let's get your bottoms off, okay?" he asked. You nodded, giving him consent to rip them off your legs and toss them somewhere on the floor.

"Oh, baby... look at you, dripping wet." he murmured, dragging his finger up the inside of yours thighs, which were now covered in your warm slick.
He brought the finger up to his mouth and tasted it, then closed his eyes and leaned his head back, letting out a long breathy moan.

"My angel, you taste so sweet. Mm, I want to taste more of you." he said.
"Can I take those pretty panties of you, princess?" he questioned. You nodded, and he ripped them off.
You gasped, but Jimin silenced you with a kiss and a soft it's okay, baby. You shuddered and bucked your hips up, trying to get more friction.

"Oh, I don't think so, baby." he chuckled, grabbing your hips and pressing them down against the sofa.
"You were being so good for me... don't make me have to punish you." he whispered into your ear, making you shiver.

"Now, be a good girl and take my fingers nicely, okay?" he asked. You nodded.

"Do you need lube, baby? I want to make this as comfortable and pleasurable for you, angel." he said, looking into your eyes.
You shook your head.
"Words, baby."
"I-... no, I'll do it." you said. His eyes widened, but obliged, pressing the tips of two of his fingers onto your bottom lip.

"Go ahead, baby." he said. You sucked his fingers into your mouth, covering them with your saliva. He chuckled at how your small tongue wrapped around each of his fingers, and how your sucked him deeper and deeper into your mouth, trying to prove to him how deep you could go.

"Mm, that's enough, my baby." he said, and your opened your mouth slightly, allowing his fingers to pop out.

"Okay, are you ready honey?"
You nodded.
"Are you sure?"
"Okay, honey, I'll start off with one." he said. He watched as your pink puffy hole clenched around nothing. He leaned down to blow cold air onto it, before sticking the tip of his finger in.

You gasped and pulled back a bit, surprised at a sudden pain.
"I'll go slow, baby, okay?" he said.
You nodded.

He slowly pushed the finger in, waiting a bit for you to adjust before he slowly pumped it in and out.
The noise it made was absolutely sinful. It was a squishy sound. The sound of your slick bubbling up and squelching as he sped up hid finger.

"Ah~ OH, goodness, J-Jiminie. I want... I want... I-"
"What, baby? What do you need my honey?"
"Another one, please."
"Another what, angel?"
"Another finger." you moaned.
"Of course, baby." he said, before plunging another finger in. You gasped loudly and bucked your hips wildly at the feeling. He didn't stop you, wanting you to feel as pleasured and lost in your emotions as possible.

"Mm, such a pretty baby. So good, so, so good. You're so sweet, such a beautiful angel. You're so good for me, honey. Look how well you're taking my fingers, such a good baby. So precious. Mm, you're doing so well, so, so, so good for me, my beautiful baby." he praised you as his fingers assaulted your hole.

You whined and moaned at the praise, eating it up, as it was only fuel to the fire of your cum, which was going to arrive shortly.

"Mm, are you gonna come, baby? Gonna be good for me?"
"Y-yes... wanna, wanna be good.."
"You have to ask first."
"Please, please, please, please~"

"Please what, honey? You're not being very specific." he frowned, jokingly.
"Please can I come!"
"Yes, honey, you may."

Your thighs shook hard as you came, the milky white substance splattering all over your thighs.

"Mm, good girl. Such a good girl." Jimin moaned as he bent down and licked the mess off of your thighs. You whined and whimpered at the oversensitivity until he stopped.

He pulled away licking his lips.
"You taste amazing, honey." he smirked. You blushed and hit his arm.

"Are you less stressed now, honey?"

"Yes." you said, barely able to keep your eyes open.
"Good. Go to sleep, honey. Have a nice rest." he said, getting under the covers with you and kissing your forehead before he hugged you tight against his warm body.

Soon, you both drifted asleep.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now