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Hey guys, sorry for not not updating for um over a m o n t h. Also sorry for not responding to all the comments but I have like over 300 notifications- so thank you for all of the support because a lot of that was votes and favorites hehe.

The next day, you wake up feeling super uncomfortable. Your limbs ached and you were extremely hungry. You looked up at the ceiling to see plain white. You looked down to see white sheets and what looked like a hospital room.

It was a hospital room.

You looked to the side to see a monitor showing random squiggly lines. You were wearing a blue hospital gown and your face was free of makeup.

You started to freak out. What was happening? Your vision slowly unblurred to see a sleeping Jimin sitting on a plush chair in the corner of the room. You looked down to see your leg bandaged and band-aids all over your knees and elbows.

Suddenly, a nurse walked into the room.
"Oh, you're awake I see!" he said, holding a tray of some sort.

"Um, yes... why am I here?"
"You don't remember?" he frowned.
"You passed out when you were at some guy's house and he had stabbed you in the leg! It's all over the news..." he said, pushing the back of your hospital bed up.

"WHAT? I'm on the news?"
"Yes, look!" he grabbed a remote and turned on the t.v. positioned on the wall in front of your bed.

You could see your disheveled self being carried away in an ambulance.
"Um chile anyways so..."

"There was more about it last night. The news people even tried to get a statement from you, but we pulled you into the hospital quickly." he giggled and set a tray full of breakfast onto your lap.

You looked down to see multiple bowls on your tray. One was filled with a clear soup with green onions and carrots floating around in it. There was also some kimchi and a bowl full of steamy fluffy rice. Bread with butter was also on the tray, along with a bowl of some mixed fruits and a glass of water.

"Wow, so much food..." you had not realized how hungry you had been as you gobbled down all of the food.

"That little boy over there was staring at you all night. You had two other visitors, as well. One of them was a bit scary..." he said, pressing a stethoscope to your chest.

"Am I going to get out of here soon...?" you asked, taking a break from eating to get a sip of water.
"Mm... I think you might stay for one more day just to make sure nothing else is wrong." he responded, adjusting you IVs.

"Okay, that's all. Please call me if you need anything!" said the nurse.
"Thank you!" you replied.

After you finished eating you took a short nap...


You woke up to a hand lightly stroking through your hair. You opened your eyes slightly and saw a blurry image of a boy next to you. You opened them fully to see...

"JIMIN!" you sat up in surprise.
"Y/N!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around you into a tight hug and burying his face into your neck.

"You h-have no i-idea how m- much I MISSED YOU!" he sobbed, grabbing onto you tighter. He pressed sloppy kisses all over your face and neck as you both cried for the overwhelming feeling of being in each other's arms.

He brought you back down to a resting position where he wrapped his arms around you. His big round eyes stared into yours as his delicate fingers traced over your face.

"Can I kiss you?" his eyes darkened. You bit your lip and nodded.

Jimin leaned in and gently kissed your lips. He started off softly, but began to kiss more hungrily, growling and pulling you closer to him as you made little squeaks of satisfaction.

He calmed down a bit, remembering you are injured. You both pulled away and gasped for air. You smiled at the small blush on his face.

"Mm... you smell incredible." Jimin remarked, breathing into your neck.
"I-I do...?" you sniffed yourself. Eh...

"Yes, angel." he said. He was about to start kissing your neck before you stopped him.
"Hey, none of that. Someone could walk in.."
"Mm... like who? The nurse? Would you be nervous seeing him walk in on me marking you up as you moa- OW!"

You slapped him with a pillow and laughed. He grumbled and went back to cuddling you.
"The house better not be a wreck when I get back." you said.


Later on, you and Jimin were watching a movie in the hospital room. Suddenly, the nurse walked in.
"Hello, you have visitors!" he said. Suddenly, Hoseok and Yoongi both walked in.

"Y/N!" they both shouted and went towards you, enveloping you in a big hug.

"C-can't breathe..." you whispered.

"Sorry, hehe." Hoseok and Yoongi pulled away.
"We were so worried about you! How are you? What did that ugly guy do to you..." Hoseok frowned.

"Nothing to serious... I'll be okay. The nurse said I'd be leaving in a day or two." you smiled.
"That's good. We brought you gifts!" Hoseok and Yoongi pulled out some flowers and a get-well-soon card.

"Awww, you guys didn't have to do that!" you smiled as they set the flowers and card on a table in the room.
"We did!"

Jimin pulled out his gifts. He had gotten you a teddy bear, a necklace, and a box of chocolates.
You kissed him on the cheek and thanked him, trying to grab a piece of chocolate. Jimin pulled the box away.
"No sweets until you're all better!" he patted you on the head.

You decided to play some card games and watch movies to pass the time. Jimin and Yoongi sat in bed with you while Hoseok brought the chair Jimin was laying in earlier over to the side of your bed to sit in. You enjoyed spending time with them while you slowly recovered.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.


~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now