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Hey guys! I'm sorry for so little updates, I've just been super busy. I'll try to upload more often! Thank you for 10k reads!
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Almost at 10k~

I woke up peacefully to find Jimin sprawled across the bed, his eyes closed and small puffs of air escaping his plump lips. I blushed at the thought of what happen last night. I then cringed at the taste in my mouth. I got up to brush my teeth, only to fall on the floor with a loud thump. I couldn't believe it. How were my legs so sore? Jimin did it well, but not fall-on-the-floor-because-of-your-numb-legs well.

"Does someone need a bit of help?" I heard a sly voice. I looked up to see Jimin leaning off the edge of my bed and staring at me.
"Erm... yeah." I said. He picked me up and brought be back to the bed, only to embrace me once more.
"Jiminie, I need to go to the bathroom."
"Not now, let's lay like this a bit longer." he whispered. He pulled me on top of his chest, inhaling the scent of my hair before leaning back and closing his eyes. I decided to grab my phone and noticed a text from Jin.

Jin: Hey, can we talk?
You: Sure.

A few minutes later, I got a call. My phone rang so loudly that it woke Jimin up. He grabbed my phone before I could. As soon as he read he contact (Jinnie <3) he declined it.
"Hey! That was important." I scolded him.
"No ones more important than me right now. I thought I was your favorite boy!" he pouted and whined, his ears flattering against his head.
"Aww, no, I'm sorry Jiminie~ You'll always be my favorite boy. It's just about something else. Please can I take this call?"
"Fine." he huffed. I grabbed my phone and Jin started to call again. I answered it.

"Um... good morning?"
"Good morning? I was so worried about you. You disappeared completely in the morning. I tried calling you but you never answered. At least, not until now."

"Sorry, I was just busy. I'm totally fine now."
"I don't believe you."
"I don't care~"
"Ugh, anyways, you can start working tomorrow. My little secretary, Y/N."
"Uh... yeah! Okay. What time?"
"9 am sharp." he replied.
"Okay. Bye bye~" you said and hung up.

As soon as I ended the call, Jimin snatched the phone out of my hand and set it on the bedside table. He kissed my cheek before pulling me back against his chest.

"Pet me, please." he whined. I nodded and sat up in his lap. He nuzzled his face into my shoulder as I gently stroked his hair, his tail going to wrap around my waist. I scratched the fur around his ear, earning a pleased sound from him and a kiss on the neck. He went up to kiss my lips lightly, pinching my nose after. I gasped and pinched his nose back.

"Can I use the bathroom now?"
"Fine." he sighed. We both got up, and went into the bathroom.

"Jiminie, can I have a bit of privacy, please?"
"Why not?"
"I wanna make sure nothing happens to you." he whined, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed my toothbrush, putting some toothpaste on it. Jimin silently watched me as I brushed my teeth.

"You stare a lot for someone who doesn't know how to fight." I commented.
"Brush your nasty teeth, too!" I said. He sighed and went to get his toothbrush, as well. He put some toothpaste on it and started to brush his teeth, all while looking at me.

I rinsed my mouth and my toothbrush and set it aside. Jimin did the same, even though he had only brushed his teeth to half the amount of time that I had.

"Jimin, what do you wanna do today?" I asked.
"I want to... be with you." he said, embracing me and nuzzling his face into my neck.
"Of course, silly. What do you want to you?"
He looked down at me with hooded eyes filled with lust before bending down and whispering in my ear.
"Mm, you don't want me, baby?"

"Boy, you done wore me out already last night. I don't think I can handle any more for another week."
"Week?! Um, don't worry, I'll convince you... eventually." he said.
"Yeah, sure. Let's bake cookies." you said.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now