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Hey guys! I want to than you soooooo much for 90k reads. It's really a blessing and I didn't think I'd make it past 10, lol. Even if you stopped reading at chapter 3, I'm thankful for all the contribution, especially those who vote for like every single chapter, my notifications list is spammed with votes! Also, thanks for all of the silly comments. Love you guys!~

Also, you guys should totally follow me because... you just should!

Also, sorry for not updating consistently.

The next day, you decided to go out and find Jin. Surely he was just hiding out in his house or something. You quickly woke up and learned the skill of sneaking-out-of-bed-without-waking-up-Jimin. You took a quick shower, which ended up waking the sleepy cat hybrid. After getting out, you made sure to lock the door. You weren't trying to start something with Jimin today, especially since you were only wearing a towel.

After doing your hair and slipping on some casual clothes, you walked out of the bathroom to see Jimin in the kitchen. You were surprised to see two bowls of cereal sitting next to each other on the counter.

"Aww, Jiminie, you learned to make something!" you smiled.
"Good morning, angel." Jimin said, wrapping his arms around you into a long hug.

"What kind of cereal is it?" you asked, unfamiliar with the square shaped cereal pieces.
"I forgot the name, but it's filled with chocolate!"
"Ooo, I want some." you said. You were about to grab the milk jug, but Jimin stopped you.

"No, sit." Jimin commanded.

"Okay." you complied.

He grabbed the milk and carefully poured some into each bowl. Then, he got two spoon and have one of them to you. You thanked him and grabbed some glasses for water.

You started a conversation while eating the strange cereal. 

"How come this chocolate tastes so strange?" you asked. It tasted a bit sour...

"Um, I think it's a little expired, but that's okay!" Jimin replied, paying no mind to the disgusting cereal's taste. 

"I might just skip breakfast." you said, starting to get up.

"No, wait! Stay with me please." he whined, grabbing onto the sleeve of your shirt. You rolled your eyes and nodded. 


After spending a bit of time eating, you approached Jimin to tell them that you wouldn't be able to spend the day with him. You got dressed and grabbed the essentials to put in your purse before going downstairs. 

"Hey, Jiminie~" you said.


"I won't be able to spend the day with you, there's some stuff I have to investigate." you said, looking down.

"Like what?" he frowned.

"I need to see where Jin is, he's been missing for so long. I don't think the police are going to do anything." you said. Your scratched Jimin's ears and said your final goodbyes before walking out of the door. 


As you drove up the path to Jin's house, you saw 2-3 police cars surrounding it. You frowned. Maybe the police were doing something? You walked up to the house slowly to see the door open. You heard a bunch of voices- likely some police officers. You walked up to a policewoman with her strawberry-red hair neatly tucked into a low bun under her cap.

"Hi!" you said, waving. She gave you a weird look before returning the greeting.

"I was wondering if you made any progress on the case with Jin?" you asked. 

"And who might you be? How did you get in here? No one is supposed to know his address. You must be one of his stalker 'fans'... the lady said, reaching to her back pocket where her hand-cuffs were. 

"Oh, no! You've got it all wrong. We're close friends! We were friends in college and I met him recently. I saw that he went missing and I just came to his house to see if he might be hiding there, but I saw all of you police officers and thought that you were investigating." you explained. You were a bit agitated that the lady spoke to you like that. You were closer to Jin than her, so she had no right to speak in that way.

"Well, then, this case is closed to the public. I would like you to leave immediately." she said. You scoffed, but you knew that arguing with a police officer wouldn't do you any good, so you turned around and left. 

You were very upset that you could not go in and see him. He was probably just hiding in his room or something. All those police officers knew nothing about him. You could have given them some kind of information to help them. Sadly, you drove home. 

As you drove, you thought about something you could do to help. Then, you came up with a plan! After the police left the scene, you could go in and look for clues as to where Jin went by yourself. You decided to go there late at night.


When you came back home, you sat on the couch and watched movies with Jimin. 

"Scratch my ears please!" he said. You laughed and reached for his ears, scratching them lightly. You hurt him purr squeak with content as he nuzzled his face farther into your lap.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now