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Hey guys! If you have any suggestions for chapters, comment them! (I read all comments, hehe.)

I was doomed to spend the rest of the day in Jimin's grasp. I couldn't get away from him- not even in the bathroom. He stood outside to wait for me, continuously talking and making sure I was okay. He wouldn't let me get up, and when he did, he always came with me. Not to mention, he had marked me again. The big bruise was already starting to turn purple. Thank goodness I had makeup to cover it up with.

I decided to put on Snow White for Jimin to watch, since he doesn't have much experience with Disney movies. I got up to go make popcorn, when I was pulled back down.
"Mm, did I say you could leave?" Jimin asked. I was shocked. Who does he think he is?
"Excuse you? I can leave if I want to leave, hmph!" I said, standing to get up again, but I was pulled back down, this time into Jimin's lap.
"Let me ask you again. Did I say you could leave?" he growled into my ear, his tail running over the bottom of my chin, holding it up to his face. I shook my head.
"Words, baby."
Oh gosh.
"N-no." I stuttered.
"You know you need permission from me first. Ask properly." he said.
"Er- can I go to the kitchen, please?" I asked.
"Mm, no." he said.
"What? Why not?"
"It's your punishment. You should have asked first before thinking you can just get up and leave me. I don't think so. You're staying by my side." he said.
"Meanie." I said.
"What was that?" he growled.
"Mm, I thought so, angel." he said, biting his pink plump bottom lip and smirking at me.


An hour to two later, the doorbell rang. I was about to get up to answer it, when I realized how needy Jimin was today. Thankfully, he got up himself and took my hand in his to drag me with him. He opened the door to reveal Hoseok and Yoongi. They looked like they had just run a mile.

"Y/N!" he shouted. They both ran into my house, almost knocking me over. Yoongi closed the door and then went and collapsed on the couch.
"Hey, get your nasty sweaty behind off my nice white couch." I huffed. He didn't budge, so I just let it go.
"Y/N, you won't believe what happened." Hoseok said, taking off his coat and tossing it onto the couch.
"What?" I said, rolling my eyes and grabbing two bottles of juice for the two sweaty boys. Jimin clung to be, purring in my ear and rubbing up against my neck. I gave him the undeserved attention by scratched behind his ear until he was content.

"I was with Yoongi at the park. We were messing around in the grass and having a picnic. We um..." Hoseok looked down, blushing.
"We made out." Yoongi blatantly said, reaching to grab the bottles of juice.
"Oh." I said.
"Okay, and? We already know you too are doing nasty stuff." I said.
"Never mind, continue." I urged. I sat down on a comfy bean bag, Jimin laying his head in my lap and burying his face into my thighs.
"Well, it's super windy today, you know? So, we were so distracted that we didn't realize Yoongi's beanie came off and his ears were exposed." He explained. I was shocked.
"What happened next?"
"A bunch of ugly people started shouting and calling me 'cat boy', so I growled and hissed at then." Yoongi cut in.
"Yes, and then Yoongi grabbed me and pushed me against his chest and started growling. I guess the people thought he was going to hurt me or something, so they started running towards us." Hoseok shuddered. He saw Yoongi shuddering at the sudden flashbacks he was getting of the incident. Hoseok pulled Yoongi's head into his lap and started stroking his hair. He purred loudly and cuddled up closer to him, pressing his head against Hoseok's hand.

"Anyways, we ran and ran until we couldn't run anymore, and then we ran again to your house since we were close." Hoseok concluded.
"Are you guys okay?" Jimin questioned. I was glad, Jiminie seems to be warming up to my friends.
"Yes, we're fine." Hoseok said.
"Okay." Jimin answered.

"Well, I say we all stay here and relax. You and Yoongi should sleep over!" I said.
"I don't know... we don't have any clothes, or any of our toiletries." Hoseok replied.
"I don't want them to stay, I wanna be with you. Wanna have you all to myself." Jimin whined in my ear, clutching on to me. I sent him a glade that stunned him into silence.

"Nonsense! I have two spare bedroom... not that you'd even use both of then... and I also have extra toothbrushes. You can borrow some of Jiminie and I's clothes! I bought a ton of stuff at the mall." I said.
"Mmm... what do you think petal?" Hoseok whispered into Yoongi's ear, though Jimin and I could both hear him.
"Yes, please." Yoongi mumbled, cuddling even closer into Hoseok and letting out small purrs as his ears were deliciously scratched.

"Alright, I'll make some food. Er, actually, I think I'll order out." you said, giggling. You weren't really in the mood to cook.
"Jiminie, hand me my phone, please!" you said. He grabbed the phone and handed it to you.
The others chatted and turned on the t.v. while you ordered two large pizzas.

"Baby.." Jimin mumbled.
"I'm tired, wanna nap with you." he said, nuzzling his face into your stomach.
"O-oh, okay..." you said, blushing.
"Guys, Jimin's a bit tired so I'm going to nap for a while. We'll be back in 20 minutes." you said.
"Let's go." Jimin said, and before you could say anything back, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder.
"Hey, let me go!" you shouted, pounding on his back. A chuckle escaped his lips.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now