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The two boys stared at each other for what felt like years on end. The piercing glare that Jimin gave the strange new boy sent shivers down your spine.

"Who are you?" Jimin asked with a nasty tone. He held onto your hand.
"Don't worry, I can smell your claim on her." the boy responded.

They continued to stare.

"Um... okay, boys, settle down. Jimin, I found him at the clinic today. His owner had abandoned him. I'm not sure why..." I looked down.

The boy walked closer to me.

"My name is Yoongi." the boy said. He tried to advance towards me, but Jimin stopped him by standing protectively in front of me.

"She. Is. Mine." he hissed. Yoongi just laughed.
"Is she really? She seems to be a bit scared of you." he smirked.

"Okay, back up." I said while pushing them apart. I went to close and lock the front door.

"Jimin, go upstairs." I said. He, reluctantly, left, glaring at Yoongi as he walked up the stairs. Yoongi just scoffed.

"Yoongi... how about you go wash up in the bathroom. You know how to, right?" I asked him.
"Of course." he replied.
"Great, it's upstairs, second door to your right." I smiled. He went upstairs and soon enough, I could hear the shower. I went into my room to have a little talk with Jimin.


"Jiminie." I said, opening the door to my room.
He was laying under the covers. When I pulled them over his head, I saw his sad face.

"A-are you replacing me with him...?" he questioned, sobbing a bit.
"Oh, Jiminie~" I scored closer to him and cuddled him. He cried into my neck. I scratched his ears the way that he loves.

"I'm not replacing you, sweetie. He's just staying with me until I can find someone else to care for him." I said soothingly.
"A-am I your favorite kitty?" he asked, looking up at me with teary eyes.
"Of course, honey." I said, smiling. He smiled, too, and snuggled closer to me. We ended up cuddling for a few minutes before I went to go check on Yoongi. He was sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Hi, Yoongi. Are you ready for dinner?" I asked him. He nodded his head. I heated up yesterday's ramen and made some dried pollick soup as a side. I poured it into 3 small bowls. Yoongi helped to set the table, as he knew how to do that, unlike Jiminie.


The boys and I all sat down for dinner. Yoongi ate very quickly, as if he hadn't eaten for weeks. Jiminie ate much slower, gazing at me as if he could read my soul.

"Here, angel, have some of mine." Jiminie said, lifting up some noodles to feed to me.
"No it's fi-" he stuffed the noodles in my mouth. I giggled and chewed quickly.
"Oh... you have a bit of sauce on your face... let me get that your you." Jimin said. He glared at Yoongi before smirking and leaning in towards my face. He gently swiped his tongue against the sauce, his soft pink lips pressing onto my skin. I almost moaned at the feelings, before I realized what was happening and pushed him away.

Jimin smirked. I could feel Yoongi's gaze burning into me. I nervously laughed and announced that I was finished. I cleaned up my mess, as well as the boys dishes. They offered to help, but I denied them and asked them to get some rest.

Who's going to take care of Yoongi?

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now