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After a failed baking session, Jimin and I decided to clean up the enormous mess we made in the kitchen and just eat some leftovers.

"We should bake again soon." Jimin said, taking a bite of his rice.
"Um... sure..."

"What else should we do?"
"I think we need to go shopping. I wanted to bake a cake, but I think I'll just buy one. Did you know Yoongi's birthday is coming up? I totally forgot until today. Let's go out to buy him a cake and a gift. His birthday is in 3 days, so the cake will still be good if we keep it in the fridge."
"Okay! What are we getting him?" he asked.
"Mm... what do you think?" you asked, collecting the two empty rice bowls sitting on the table.
"Let's get him some cool clothes. I like the mall, it smells like pizza."
"Um... okay." you said, laughing.

You and Jimim went upstairs to get ready. You gave him some black pants a white t-shirt, you matching with him by wearing a white t-shirt and a black skirt. You gave him a black cap to hide his ears. You put on a black headband to match.
"We look cute." you stated, grabbing your car keys and purse and dragging Jimin with you downstairs.


You arrived at the mall, deciding to stop at the bakery last so that the cake wouldn't get ruined by sitting in the car.

You walked into the mall hand-in-hand with Jimin, him giggling and pressing kisses against your cheek every few seconds.
"Okay, where should we shop first?"
"Anywhere you'd like!"
"Let's go to.... hot topic."
"Hot topic?"
"Yeah, isn't Yoongi into spooky stuff? I'd bet he'd like it there."
"Um, sure!"

You both walk into Hot Topic. You huddled closer to Jimin, not being used to the atmosphere. You both looked around for a bit until you spotted some things.
"Hm... Yoongi loves this band, right?" Jimin asked, holding up a black t-shirt with the name of a band written in bold white letters.
"Yeah." you replied.
"Okay, let's get this!" Jimin said. You agreed and looked around more, finding a pair of black jeans and a dark red beanie. After purchasing the items, you continued to walk around the mall.

"Oh, there's a music store! Let's buy cool vinyl record for Yoongi, since Hobi has a record player." you said. Jimin nodded, and you went in to purchase the record.
You looked around for a bit until you found the section with tons of records of Yoongi's favorite band. You purchased one and checked it out, heading straight to the car afterwards, as you were tired and hungry.
"Jiminie~ I'm hungry, so we're stopping to get something to eat before we head to the bakery. I'd eat there, but it's too much sugary sweets. I want real food." you said.
And by real food, you meant pizza.

You took out your phone, ready to call the pizza place, when suddenly, your phone rang.
"Ugh, you've got to be kidding me." you groaned and answered the phone. Jimin laughed at your reaction, and then decided to start kissing your cheek as you talked on the phone.
"Y/N. Hi."
"Oh, hi, Yoongs! What's up?"
"You know my birthday is coming up, right?"
"Yes!" you said, not mentioning the fact that you had just gone shopping for it.
"Hey, give me that!" you heard a voice in the background say.
"Watch it." you heard a stern voice tell Yoongi. You could tell he submitted by the whine he let out.
"Y/N? Hi, sorry. I said I would call you later, but Yoongi just stole my phone and called your contact. Anyways, we're planning a party for Yoongi, his first birthday party! It's going to be so fun."
"Yes, of course! I was planning on buying a cake for him. What flavor should we get?"
"Really? Okay, how about... chocolate. That's his favorite, with minimal icing."
"Gotcha. Alright, I'm going now. Bye~" You said, and hung up the phone.


After enjoying your food, you and Jimin stopped at the bakery to pick up a cake.
As soon as you walked in, Jimin's eyes light up. His sensitive nose smelled all of the sugary sweets piled up into one beautiful scent.
"Mm, it smells good in here." he says.
"Yeah, smells like sugar." you replied, taking Jimin by the hand and leading him to the cashier at the front.

"Hello and welcome to Creamy's. How may I help you today?" a black-haired baby faced boy asked.
"Hi! I called in earlier for a chocolate cake."
"Of course, ma'am. The order number is #76, correct?"
"Great, it's ready for you. We just need to ice the message on it. What were you lookin for?"
"Jiminie, what do you want it to say?" you turned to look at Jimin who's eyes were full of hatred. He pulled you by the waist.
"Happy birthday, Yoongi." he growled up, eyeing the scared boy up and down.
"U-uhm... be right back!" he said, and went into the back.

"What's wrong?" you frowned, turning to Jimin who instantly pushed you up against a wall of the bakery.
"Hey, what are you doing? Someone could see u-"
"But you'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"You like knowing you could be all exposed. Someone could walk in on us right now and see who you belong to. You'd like that, wouldn't you~" he huskily whispered in your ear before licking your neck.
"Mm... you taste so sweet, angel. So pretty." he said, kissing up and down your neck more.
"Shh." he gushed you as he went down to kiss your thighs.
"That's it, so good for me, angel."

Suddenly, you heard to door burst open, and you immediately pulled away from Jimin.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now