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CEO of not uploading~

As soon as Jimin saw Namjoon, he immediately growled and pulled you into his lap while Yoongi covered you and Jimins' bodies. Hoseok stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"H-hey guys... what's up?" Namjoon asked, scratching his head.
"Don't 'what's up?' us! You know exactly what you put Y/N through so don't take another step closer!" said Hoseok after shushing Jimin who had been about to curse him out.

"G-go away. No one wants you here... pig." Yoongi grumbled.

"Go away before I destroy you." Jimin said in an angry tone. You looked up to see his eyes squinted and full of rage, his bottom lip held between his teeth. You looked at his pointy canines.

"Listen... I just want to talk." Namjoon said, advancing closer towards you.

Hoseok stepped closer to Namjoon and held his body in a threatening stance. Jimin clutched onto you tighter and Yoongi remained as the wall separated your view from Namjoon.

Everyone looked towards you.
"I have nothing to talk about." you simply stated in a cold tone.

"B-but please... I'm so sorry y/N for what I did. I even brought you these gifts!" Namjoon said. He pulled out flowers from behind is back. Jimin growled. Namjoon retreated a bit.

"No, get away from me. I don't want your flowers... you broke my heart." you looked down.

"Just go away, you're making this situation even worse. Y/N is sick and needs to heal, so please go." Hoseok said, standing firmly in front of the door.

"No." said Namjoon.

You looked to your left and to your right.
"Uh... what'd he say?"

"I said I'm not leaving. Give me another chance Y/N! I'm successful... handsome... I brought you these flowers, too...." Namjoon said, sliding his fingers through his hair.

"If you think I'd ever date you... you're crazy. You fired me for no reason and even after you were sober you didn't hire me. You're crazy and delusional.... periodt."

"Ugh, are you stupid? Why would you date some lowlife animal over me..." Namjoon replied.

"I KNOW HE DIDN'T JUST-" Hoseok started.
You felt Jimin tense up behind you. You looked back to see his eyes darkening. He placing you gently off of his lap and onto the hospital bed and waked up to Namjoon. Although he was the tiniest bit shorter than Namjoon, he was more intimidating.

"Lowlife animal?"
"You heard that right." Namjoon said, and spat in Jimin's face.

All Jimin saw was red after that. He lunged at Namjoon, knocking him onto the hospital floor. Namjoon gasped and tried to fling him off... but to no avail.

Jimin punched Namjoon in the face, causing a large red mark to appear on his cheek. Namjoon hit back, knocking Jimin off of him and getting enough time to jump back up.

He pushed Jimin farther into the hospital room and trapped him against the wall. Jimin kicked his legs repeatedly and bit his arm, causing Namjoon to pull back and scream in pain.

You gasped and watched it happen from your hospital bed.
"I've had enough, I need to stop them!" you shouted, but Hoseok and Yoongi held you back.
"What?" you asked.

"Do you seriously think you can stop those two by yourself..." Yoongi said. You bit your lip. It was a bit ambitious of you. Hoseok nodded his head in Yoongi's direction.

"I'll stop them!" said Hoseok. Yoongi tried to stop him, but didn't get to Hoseok in time before he joined in on the fight.

"Why don't we just call someone to come in and get Namjoon out?" you asked.
"Uh... I think we all know he deserves a good beating. Plus, what if they got rid of Jimin, too? He started attacking Jimin, first." Yoongi said.

You were shocked at how much Yoongi had spoke, as you hadn't heard him say anything more than a sentence or short replied. "Oh, you're right." you chewed on your lip slowly as you watched the fight.

Hoseok grabbed Namjoon and threw him onto the floor. Jimin went over to Namjoon and kicked him in he side. He was about to hit more when Hoseok stopped Jimin.
"It's not worth it." Hoseok said. Jimin calmed down and nodded.

Namjoon looked at Jimin with a face of disgust. He then looked at you.
"I'll be back." he warned. You shuddered and a few tears escaped your eyes. Jimin tried to lunge at Namjoon again but he had already run away.

A few nurses looked at Namjoon running through the halls but ignored it.

"Ugh, that was... a lot." Hoseok said, half-smiling.
"It was." Yoongi agreed.
"Are you okay, Jimin?" asked Hoseok.

Jimin sighed and walked over to you.
"I'm sorry for fighting... I know you don't like it. I couldn't just stand there and let him talk about you and I like that." he pouted.

You smiled. "It's okay. Thanks for standing up to me." you said, and pulled his head into your chest, scratching his hair and behind his ears.

"Thank you for ending it, Hoseok." you said.
"No problem, it's just what I do!" he smiled.
"Now, maybe we should get a nurse for Jimin's wounds..."

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now