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You sat around and waited for what felt like days. Each morning was the same: wake up, take a bath, have Jin feed you, do nothing, have Jin feed you again, do more of nothing, have Jin feed you snacks, have Jin talk to you, take a nap, have Jin feed you again, and finally, bedtime. Whenever Jin saw you up at night, he would immediately run to your room to check on you. You were under constant surveillance thanks to the security cameras.

Jin did not seem like a very hostile person, until one day...

The bright light streamed down from your bedroom window. You looked up to view the clouds and the sun. Suddenly, you had an idea.

The window was high up on the wall. You tried to walk over to it, since Jin had finally decided to untie you. You tried to jump and reach it, but you were too short. You huffed and looked around the room for something that could help you.

Just like that, your eyes spotted a chair in the corner of the room. It was a bit heavy to pick up, but you managed to carry it all the way over to the window. You set it down and stepped up on it. You still couldn't reach the window. You decided to jump. You hopped up twice and managed to grab onto the latch. As you fell down from the jump, you brought down the latch. Miraculously, the window opened. You celebrated.

Quickly, you went to grab your shoes and put them on. You quickly hopped back onto the chair. You jumped up 3 times before you managed to grab onto the window ledge. You pulled yourself up enough to see out of the window. It was a high drop down from where you were to the ground. You bit your lip in anxiousness. Were you going to make it? You decided you'd rather be dead than be stuck with Jin for the rest of your life.

Suddenly, you heard a sound coming from the door. The door knob moved around. You tried to pull yourself up really quickly, managing to get half of your body through the window. You looked behind you and saw Jin in your peripheral vision. His face was red and his hands were balled up into fists. You shrieked a little and continued to try and throw yourself out of the window.

Jin ran over to the chair and stood on it. Since he was way taller than you were, he grabbed onto your feet and pulled you down. You freefalled for a second before landing in Jin's arms. You stared up at his eased face as he cradled you. He brought you down from the chair and laid you on the bed.

He approached you. "Y/N, my pretty angel, my beautiful princess... why would you try and climb out of the window? Are you scared of me? Do I frighten you, Y/N?" he asked through gritted teeth.

You bit your lip and didn't respond.

"Oh... that's it, isn't it. Well, I'll scare you even more if you don't do as you're told. You will not escape this room ever again, or even attempt to? Do you understand?"

You did not respond.

"Oh.. do I need to use force, petal?" he asked. He stuck his hand behind his back for a few seconds, reaching for his back pocket. He held out his hand to reveal a large, sharp looking knife. He came over to you.

You shivered in fear.

He lightly traced the blunt edge of the knife along your jawline. He giggled a bit and your frightful face. He could hear your loud heartbeat.

"Hm? Oh, are you scared, baby? Mm... well, I'll have to press a little harder if you try to escape again, okay?" he asked.

You nodded.

"Good girl! I'd never want to hurt my cute little baby." he smiled and ruffled your hair before leaving.

After that experience, you were absolutely terrified. Jin has never acted like this before... ever. You did not expect him to have these sadistic tendencies. You shivered slightly at the thought of what happened to you.

It was time to plan escape #2.


Meanwhile, Jimin had woken up from his pleasure-induced slumber. He heard a knock at the door.


He still laid there without any clothes. The dried liquid still stained him and the bed. He quickly ran to the bathroom, grabbed a towel, and wet it. He went over it with his body until he was clean. He messed with his hair a bit until it looked semi-decent. He threw on an old t-shirt and some sweatpants.

Jimin ran downstairs to the door. The knocks were getting more and more persistent. He looked through the peep-hole. The police.

"Ugh, what should I do? They're here about Y/N..." Jimin thought out loud. If he appeared with a hat on to hide his ears, the police would be suspicious that he kidnapped Y/N. He looked a bit rough. What would he be doing in her house? There was only one option...


Jimin quickly shifted into his cat-form. It was a bit painful since he hadn't done it in a whole, but he would do anything to protect Y/N and himself. Luckily, Hoseok would be coming over in a few minutes or so. All Jimin had to do was distract the police for a while.

He started to scratch at the door. He could hear the police grunting and trying to figure out the strange noise.

"What the heck is that noise?" one officer asked.
"I don't know... is that the girl in there?" a smaller one asked.
"Why would she be scratching at the door?" the other officer replied.
"Heart been broke so many times I don't know what to belie-"

Suddenly, Hoseok drove into the empty drive away, along with Yoongi. The police turned towards him and approached the car.

"Who are you?"
"I'm a friend of Y/N... why?" Hoseok asked.
"We're here to investigate why she is missing. Can you help us get into the house?" the police officers asked.
"Sure." Hoseok said.

He hopped out of the car and opened the door for Yoongi. They walked over to the door. Luckily, Hoseok carried an extra pair of keys Incase something such as this happened.

He unlocked the door and the police went in.
"Something tells me this isn't going to go smoothly..." Yoongi mumbled and Hoseok scratched behind his ears.


~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now