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He slowly nipped and nibbled at my neck, creating a large purple bruise. I could feel his claim over me as he slowly licked over the mark, soothing the pain. I shuddered.

"There, now everyone will know you belong to me." he whispered into my ear. He loosened his grip on my waist and slowly pulled away from my neck.

And then I pushed him.

"You- why?! Why would you do that? You need to get consent for those kinds of things, Jimin. I'm honestly ashamed. You need to learn to control your possessiveness." I scolded him.

I could feel his disappointment. While I knew that it was normal for him to behave in this way, I was upset that he has ruined a fun date with my friend.

"I'm sorry, angel. I just... I don't like him looking at you." he took steps towards me until he had backed me into the wall.

"I want to be the only one to look at you." he said, kissing my forehead.
"The only one to smell you." he kissed my nose.
"The only one to kiss you." he kissed my chin.
"The only one to mark you." he kissed the mark on my neck.
"The only one to touch you." he kissed each of my hands.
"And the only one... the only one to claim you." he said, kissing the insides of my thighs.
I shivered and held in my whines and whimpers with each kiss he pressed against my skin.
"Mm... so soft." he moaned into my right thigh.

"Erm... okay, let's discuss this later." I said pushing his face away from my legs. He got up and went to pick up the bag of clothes Hoseok he brought.

"These need to be washed. They reek of his awful scent." he said, scrunching up his nose.
"Alright. I'll wash those and then you can change into some proper clothes. I have to run to the store to pick up a few things. Will you be alright by yourself?" I asked him as he followed me into the laundry room.

"No!" he said. He hugged my back and nuzzled his face into my neck.
"I have to protect you, angel." he said and kissed my neck.
"Okay.." I replied as I poured some detergent into the washing machine.


After the clothes were finished and Jiminie had picked out something to wear, we drove to the grocery store. Jimin insisted on pushing the cart.

"You're to delicate to be pushing a heavy cart around all the time. Let me do it." he had said.

I agreed and he happily pushed the cart around as I picked out various types of food and put them in. I had to adjust his hat from time to time, as I didn't want his ears to show.
When we got into a less crowded area, I secretly scratched behind his ears. He purred and moaned, urging me to scratch more. His body was so weak, he practically collapsed into me.

"Oh...mmm..." he moaned until I stopped.
"No, keep going." he begged. I shook my head.
"Please, oh please, I need it. Please, please. It just feels so good." I rolled my eyes and scratched his ears a tiny bit more.
"More, noona. I love the feel of your fingers." he whined. I quickly pulled my hand back.

"Why do you have to make everything so dirty?" I asked.
"Because-" Jimin started.
"That was a rhetorical question." I rolled my eyes again and we continued to shop.

When I tried to go to the checkout counter of a friendly boy with brown hair, Jimin steered me the other way towards an elderly woman.
"I don't think so." he whispered into my ear.
"You. Are. Mine." he said, rubbing my sides. We continued to checkout and he helped me put to groceries into my car.

I wish he was a bit more subtle.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now