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Later that day, you and Jimin went home as soon as work ended. You weren't trying to have a discussion with Namjoon, especially after what had happened that morning. Besides, you had a dinner date with Jin tonight.

As soon as you got home, you decided to run a nice bath. That would definitely make you feel more relaxed after the stress of today. You ran the bath as high as it would go, adding rose oil and an amazing pink bath bomb. It turned your plain water to an iridescent baby pink. Mountains of suds were spread throughout the water. You added in a couple of rose petals that had come in a container of bath salt Namjoon had purchased you one day.

You sank into the tub, letting all of your worries wash away with the pink sudsy water. You washed all over yourself, using an almost unhealthy amount of sweet smelling bath soap. When you were finished, you stepped out of the tub and wrapped yourself with a warm fuzzy towel. You changed into some silky shorts and one of the t-shirts you had bought for Jimin. He wouldn't miss it.

You came out of the bathroom and saw Jimin snacking on some crackers while watching some videos on your computer. His soft bangs slowly shook with each time his sweet pink lips bit down on the cracker.
"Take a picture, maybe it'll last longer." he said. You blushed, not realizing that you had been staring at him.
"Come lay with me." he said. You walked over to the end and climbed in next to him. He quickly wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling your face into his chest.

He slowly rubbed down your back and shoulders, drawing little circles with his thumb. He then pulled you up onto his lap and started to kiss your neck. He lightly nibbled at the sides, trailing red marks up and down. He pulled away and moaned at the sight. Now everyone would know you were his. He kissed over each of the sensitive marks, making you whimper.
"You're so beautiful." he mumbled against your lip, sweetly kissing them. The kiss was slow and passionate. You savored every moment until suddenly...

Your phone rang.

Jimin tried to grab your phone, but you got it before him. He whined, trying to snatch it out of your hand.
"No, no phone. Only me." he said. He whined, trying to snatch it again, but you pulled it away too quickly.
"Just let me answer this call." you said. He whined, but stopped grabbing.

"Jin, hi!" you responded. Jimin growled at the name.
"Hey, how are you?"
"I'm fi- oh!" Jimin had started to kiss down your neck again, but this time, harsher.
"Uhm, I- I... oh." Jimin chuckled darkly, his eyes almost darkening with lust. He loved seeing your struggle to hold in your tiny breaths and squeaking. He loved knowing he had control over you.
"Y/N... are you alright?"
"Uh, er- yeah! Just, um- ah! Stubbed my toe... yep!" you lied.
"Oh, okay. Well, anyways, I'm on my way to pick you up. I'll be there in about... 20 minutes." he said.
"Oh, okay. Bye!" you said, quickly hanging up.

You expected Jimin to kiss you more, but he just pulled away.
"Hey! Why'd you stop?" you whined.
"Mm, you don't deserve kisses." he huffed.
"Why not?"
"You know exactly why not." he growled.
"U-uhm... no." you said, your voice weakening.
"Him. I can't stand him. Don't go out with him tonight. Stay with me... and I'll make you feel so go-"
"No, Jiminie, it's just a friendly meet up."
"Friendly, sure. Friendly until that pig realizes he's had feelings for you and tries to make a move on you."
"He'd never do that. We're just friends."
"That's not what he thinks."
"Okay, but I'm still going." you said, getting up to pick out a dress.

You held but a short black dress. It was spaghetti strap and had frills at the bottom that hugged your legs.
"No." Jimin said.
"But, I-"
"I said no." he growled. You nodded and put it back. You picked out a crimson red dress that reached right about your knee. It was off the shoulder, but still very flows and had long sleeves.

You put it on, along with some matching heels and a back purse. You did your hair and makeup, going heavy on the foundation on your neck.
"Hey, why are you covering that up?" Jimin said.
"Jiminie, you don't seriously think I'll go out there with this all over my neck, do you?"
"Yes, why not?" he asked. You facepalmed.
"That's not appropriate." you responded, adding more foundation. He really bit you up good.
"Oh my gosh, you're worse than some freaking mosquitoes." you said, laughing.

Finally, you were ready to go. Jin had pulled up. Jimin kissed you goodbye, begging you to stay, but you just said you'd be back in 2-3 hours.

You walked over to Jin's car, Jim smiling and giving you a hug. It made Jimin's blood boil. He should be the only one to touch your precious skin, not this disgusting excuse for a man. Jin opened the passenger seat of his extremely nice car for you. You thanked him and stepped in, and soon...

you were off!

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now