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Do you guys want this book to be more one-shot like or with an actual storyline? Also, sorry for the wait.

By the time you came home you were exhausted. You walked through the door and immediately took off your shoes and went to find Jimin.

He was just cleaning the living room as you walked in. He looked at you as you walked in and came running up to you, greeting you with a big hug.

"Welcome home." Jimin said, smiling to himself. You looked around to see the whole house spotless, multiple candles shining and providing a unique scent. The warmth of the candles and Jimin's arms wrapped tightly around you made you relax instantly, your legs turning to jello as you collapsed in his arms.

"Oh, honey, are you alright?" Jimin asked. You nodded.

He gently lifted you up, carrying you princess-style into the bedroom after blowing out the candles. You cuddled into his chest as he did so.

He took of your tight clothing, replacing it with one of his oversized black-sweatshirts and a pair of his sweatpants. The clothing looked strangely big on you, but he thought you looked perfect, wrapped up in his warm, soft clothing.

He crept into bed with you, gently kissing the exposed skin on your neck and shoulders before gently massaging it.

"How was work, baby?" he asked.
"It was good." you lied, rubbing his head and playing with his soft hair.

"Don't lie to me. I know it was a lot. You seem really tired."
"Yeah, it's more tiring than the clinic."

"My poor baby, you must be so exhausted. You need energy. What do you want to eat?"
"I'll make something-"
"No." Jimin firmly stated.

"I wanna do things for you. It feels... it feels like you do everything for me and I do nothing for you. I'm making a change. I'll cook and clean and make sure the house is warm and cozy, so that when you get home, you'll be so proud of me and you'll be surrounded by love and warmth. I want you to be happy, not stressed."

"Jimin, I-"

"Shh, don't speak. Just rest. I'll go cook something for you, okay?"

"But you don't know how to coo-"

"I watched it on t.v. Something about... Rordon Gamsey? R-ror... I forgot the name, but that guy taught be a lot of cooking stuff. Plus, I practiced all day today."

"And you know how to clean, too?"


"Erm... okay..."

"Shh, watch your phone or something, I'll go make something yummy for you, okay?" he asked. You nodded.


An hour later, Jimin came back with some amazing food, all sitting on a small tray. There was your favorite kind of pizza, in a small handheld shape. There was also a small skillet of Mac-n-cheese. There was also a glass of water and a cup of your favorite drink.

"You made all of this?" you gasped, covering your mouth slightly.

"Mhm, I told you I was good! Oh, I hope you don't mind... I used your laptop for recipes."

"That's okay." you smiled, digging into the food and shoveling it down like you hadn't eaten in days.

Jimin giggled and smiled as he watched your eat. He loved the little expressions you made and the noises that came from you when you enjoyed a particular part of it.

"You start a lot for someone who doesn't know how to fight." you blatantly said, taking a bite of mac n' cheese.

Jimin shook his head and laughed.

He knew how to fight.


When you finally finished eating, Jimin cuddled you closely, silently stroking your hair and leaving kisses on your cheeks and neck.

"Angel, I love you." Jimin whispered, tracing little circles on your thighs.
"I love you, too, Jiminie." you replied, giggling.

"Angel... do you want to have a bit of fun?" Jimin asked, smirking. Before you could answer, he flipped you over and tackled you to the bed, kissing all over you face and chest.

"Jiminie, stop!" you giggled, pushing him off of you and shaking your head.
He smiled back at you, fixing his messy blond hair.

"You should get some rest. Let's sleep, okay?" he asked, resting his head on your chest and wrapping his arms around you.

You looked at the alarm clock on your nightstand.

6:00 pm

"Uh... it's only 6."
"Yes, and?"
"You wanna sleep now?" you asked.
"I'm tired." he pouted.
"But it's so early. You're not going to sleep later tonight because you won't be as tired."

"Fine. Let's watch a movie." he suggested. You nodded and turned on the t.v., finding a nice movie to watch.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now