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Thank you guys for all of the votes and comments! Sorry for the cliffhanger.

Suddenly he leaned in, but I screamed and pushed him away.

"What the heck, Jin?! Who the heck gave you permission to try and kiss me? You don't even know if I'm dating someone else or not. Plus, it's a total invasion of personal space." you said, hitting his shoulder. You were utterly shocked and disgusted.

"I'm sorry..."
"Save it, I'm leaving." you said, grabbing your coat.

You walked out the door and started to go down the hallway, but you stopped and went back into his office. He gave you a look of hope, but it instantly turned to a face of sadness after seeing you grab the box of chocolates he had bought you. You weren't going to let some good chocolates go to waste.


You slowly walked home to your house, upset by what happened.
Why would Jin even like me? you thought.

You suddenly heard your phone ringing. You took the phone from out of your coat pocket and answered it.

"Y/N! Hi, it's Hobi!" you heard Hoseok scream.
"Yeah, okay, you don't have to shout. What do you want?" you said, annoyed.

Hoseok frowned at the other end of the phone. "What's wrong?" he questioned.

"Yeah, right. I'm not stupid."
"I'll tell you. It's about Jin."
"Jin who?"
"Kim Seokjin?"
"Yeha, who's that?" he questioned. Is this boy stupid-

"My BOSS, and the owner of basically all the restaurants in this city!" you exclaimed. People in the street were giving you strange looks.

"Oh, what about him?"
"He tried to kiss me."
"KISS YOU?!" shouted Hoseok. You heard a loud meow in the background, presumably coming from Yoongi.
"Sorry, kitty." you heard Hoseok say.
"I'll beat him up! How dare he. Actually, maybe I won't have to beat him up. Won't Jimin do it?"

"Shoot, I didn't even think about him. He'll be so upset. Gosh, you know how possessive he gets with me."
"Yes, we know."
"What am I supposed to do?"
"I dunno."
"Thanks for the help." you rolled your eyes.
"Anytime." he said. You rolled your eyes again and hung up the phone.

You stalled at going home and facing Jimin, who was obviously going to smell Jin on you. You decided to visit the bakery again, and hopefully see Jungkook. Maybe you could buy something sweet for you and Jimin to have. He would certainly go easier on you if he had something sweet stuffed in his mouth.

The bell attached to the top of the door rang as you stepped into the shop.

"Hi, welcome to- oh, it's you." Jungkook said.
"Is that a bad thing?" you asked, laughing.
"O-oh, no...! I'm just s-surprised to see you here." he stuttered, looking down.

"It's okay, bunny. I just wanted to get something yummy."
"What's that smell? It's disgusting." Jungkook suddenly said.
"Smell? I don't smell anything."
"I do.. it's coming from you!" he said, pointing at you.
"Oh, something happened today, it's the smell of someone else."

"Your little cat hybrid isn't going to be happy about that..." Jungkook muttered to himself.
"O-oh, nothing! What can I get you?" he smiled.
"Mm... what flavored cupcakes do you have?"
"We have..."


You continued to walk home, carrying the large box of 12 chocolate and vanilla cupcake. They were the nice kind, too- the ones filled with buttercream.

Finally, you arrived at your front door and unlocked it. As soon as you entered Jimin came running towards you.

He rubbed his face all over your beck as he hugged you tightly.
"I missed you." he mumbled into your neck. You laughed and started to pet him.

"Wait... what's that disgusting smell?"
Uh oh.
"Um... nothing! I got sprayed by a skunk on the way here." you lied.
Jimin gave you a questioning look.
"No... it smells like... that guy." Jimin growled.

"Huh? What guy?"
"You know who I'm talking about."
"I'm afraid I don't recall." you lied.
"Y/N." he said, sternly.
"Okay, fine. Yes, it's him."
"WHAT DID HE DO DO YOU?" Jimin shouted, backing you against a wall and trapping you there.

"Uh... he tried to kiss me... but I resisted!" you added. You could see he anger slowly start to build up in his face.

He struggled to control himself. He pulled away from you for a second, his hands ruffling through your hair. You thought he had calmed down so you tried to walk away, only to be slammed back against the wall. Jimin had a predatory look in his eyes.

Before you could say anything, he immediately burrowed his face into your neck and wrapped his arms around your body.

"P-please don't leave me..." he sobbed.

You were so surprised. Where was the dark and predatory Jimin you knew before?

"Aww, Jiminie. You know I won't ever leave you." you said.
"Of course." you said, stroking the back of his head.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now