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The next day, my alarm woke me up.

I work at a doctor's office just around the corner. I am a receptionist there, as well as a nurse. I love taking care of animals, but I don't like having to wake up so early to do it. I woke up at 5:30 a.m. just to be there by 7. I felt bad because I saw that I had woken up Jiminie, as well. I could tell he was a bit confused, since he doesn't know that I have a job.

I tried getting out of bed, but I was held back by two arms wrapped tightly springs my waist.

"Jiminieeeee~"' I whined.
"Mm... go back to bed, baby." he mumbled into my back. I blushes at the new nickname.
"I have to be someplace." I told him, still trying to wiggle out of his grasp.
"Stop squirming." he growled and hugged me tighter, leaving a sloppy kiss on my neck.
"Oh, we need to stop with these... kisses." I told him.
"You're treating me like I'm your girlfriend or something... not that I don't love the attention, hehe." I giggled.
"Girlfriend?" He asked.
"Yes, you're not my boyfriend..." I trailed off.
"What's a boyfriend?" he asked.

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"Erm.. it's like... a mate! Yeah, I'm sure that's the term you're familiar with."
"Oh, I want to be your boyfriend!" he said cheerfully.

What? He can't be serious... maybe he just doesn't understand the term. I thought.

"No, it means like... romantically involved."
he nodded.
"Let's talk about this later, I have to get to work. It's the way I earn money. You want to keep eating... don't you?" I asked, finally asked to get out of bed.
"Yeah, I guess." he said, obviously disappointed.


After getting ready, I walked back into my room to see Jiminie sulking.

"Aww, c'mere." I said. He crawled over to me and set me on his lap to where I was straddling him.
"I'm going to miss you." he said.
"I'll miss you too, honey. Don't forget, I left some breakfast and lunch in the fridge. It's in the pink and blue containers. I'll be back before dinner~" I reminded him.
"Okay..." he said. I scratched behind his ears as he purred loudly. After a minute or two, he started to moan and whimper, so I stopped.
"I... uhm- gotta blast!" I said running downstairs and out the door.

This is going to be a long day.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now