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When we got home, Jimin helped me put the groceries away. I decided to make some spicy ramen with a side of yellow radish. I also decided to make some kimchi.

"Jiminie!" I called.
"Yes, angel?" he answered.
"You can go watch a movie or something. I'm going to make us some dinner."
"No, I want to help you." he replied.
"Oh, okay!" I said.

I instructed him to grab the ramen and start boiling it while I cooked my own secret spicy sauce. I also pulled out the pre-cut yellow radish I got from the store. I put it into two small bowls.

I looked towards Jiminie to see him trying to turn on the stove.
Oh... I should have known he doesn't know how to cook. I'm so stupid.

"Here, I'll help." I said, turning the knobs on the stove. I ended up just doing everything for him. I'll have to teach him how to cook sometime.

I started to prepare my kimchi. I added my special paste and the cabbage into a bowl. Jimin hurried over to help. I got some gloves for each of us and we slowly worked the spicy paste through the cabbage. When we were done, I put it in my special jar and set it to the side to ferment for a week or two before I check on it again.


After dinner, I told Jimin to take a bath. Of course, he wasn't sure how to do it properly.

"Here, step into the tub." I said. He stuck a foot in, but immediately took it out.

"Too hot." he mumbled. I nodded my head and ran some cold water. When the bath was ready, Jimin was excited to see the tub filled with bubbles. I showed him how to wash himself. I, however, scrubbed his hair. I think he enjoyed that the most, just telling from his purrs and squeaks.

When were were done, I rinsed him off and gave him a towel. After he dried off, he picked out and put on some clothes before hopping into bed with me.

"Goodnight, Jiminie." I said, turning off the lamp on my nightstand.
"Goodnight, angel." he said. He gave me a kiss on my cheek and I blushed. He snuggled closer, wrapping my arms around me and inhaling my scent.

Someday, you're going to be all mine. he thought to himself.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now