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Also, check out my other book. It's a diary, and you can find it through my profile page! (It is updated daily).

Hobi and Yoongi arrived 15 minutes after Jimin called. They found him curled up in a ball laying on the couch. A white fluffy blanket covered his entire body, and it shook with each broken sob he let out.

Yoongi went over to him and yanked the blanket off of him. Poor Jimin's face was red as a tomato. He had tears streaming down his chubby cheeks, and a pout graced his plump lips.

Hobi went over to the couch, as well, and started to rub Jimin's back.
"There, there. It's okay, I'm sure Y/N will come back soon." Hoseok said.

"No!" Jimin cried, not believing that you would return.
"Well, we are going to spend the night with you, and if Y/N doesn't come back, we're going to call the police, okay?" Hoseok suggested.

Jimin nodded, still pouting.

Yoongi and Hoseok went to the guest room, while Jimin went to your room. He snuggled into the sheets and breathed in your sent. He started to cry again. He missed the distinct smell of you. He wanted to hold you and kiss you like he did every night before you both went to bed.

Eventually, he cried himself to sleep.


"What do you mean I'm yours?" you questioned. Jin was acting very strange. You have never seen him like this before.

"I mean you belong to me." he said.
"Funny! Now, can you uncuff me please. I knew this was some sort of practical joke. Why aren't you going to work?" you laughed.

"Funny? Oh no, sweetie, you're staying here... forever." Jin said with an evil grin. The look in his eyes made you doubt your beliefs of him joking.

"What? I'm confused..." you trailed off
"Do you know how I feel? I have to watch you and that... that... mangy mutt of yours! Everyday you go home to him. He's all over you, touching you, kissing you. The thought of it makes my blood boil. You belong to me and only me, and now that I have you here, I'm not letting you escape."


"WHAT?! Jin you're insane, let me out of here!" you shouted, trying to escape the bed. You climbed out, not realizing your feet were attached to the bedpost. You screamed and waited for the hard wooden floor to hit your head, but you never felt the pain.

Jin caught you, holding you in his arms.
"Shh, calm down. Lay back in bed." he said.
"Don't touch me!" you screamed.

"I'm sorry... you aren't happy. What can I do to make you feel better?" he asked, stroking your hair. You swatted his hand away.

"Uncuff me!" you shouted.
"Okay, fine, if that's what you want. But promise you won't try to escape..."


The next day, Jimin woke up. His mood was lifted, because he thought he was holding you in his sleep. When he opened his eyes, though, he saw he was just clutching onto a pillow. He sighed and his eyes started to water, again. He got out of bed and went into the bathroom. He splashed cold water on his face and brushed his teeth, because he knew that you would want him to take care of himself.

Hobi and Yoongi were awake and downstairs eating. Jimin went downstairs, his tail dropping and his ears pressed against his head.

"Good morning, buddy! How did you sleep?" asked Hoseok, who had his arms wrapped around Yoongi.
"Fine." Jimin answered.

He went into the kitchen and looked j. The fridge. He grabbed a cup of strawberry yogurt and took a spoon out of one of the drawers. He sat on one of the barstools and picked at his food.

"Yoongs." Hoseok whispered to his kitty.
"Go talk to Jimin, okay?"
"Why?" Yoongi asked.
"Look at him." Hoseok said.
Yoongi looked at Jimin to see him depressed as ever.

"Ugh, fine." Yoongi said, upset that he had to experience some social interaction. Obviously, he was not the best at starting a conversation. Yoongi walked over to Jimin with his cup of orange juice and sat beside him.

"Hey." Yoongi said.
"Hi." Jimin answered.
"How are you feeling?" Yoongi asked. Jimin looked at him with a "What-do-you-think?" face. Yoongi got the memo.

"Well, want to smell this jacket? Y/N gave it to me, but I never wore it. It still has her sent-"
Jimin snatched up the jacket before Yoongi could finish his sentence.

He purred with content, breathing in the scent of his Y/N. He rubbed the jacket all of his face, moaning. Yoongi took that as his cue to leave.

Jimin went back upstairs, carrying the jacket in his arms. He hopped into bed with the jacket, continuing to smell it.
"Mmm... Y/N." he mumbled. He could vision you next to him, stroking his hair and scratching between his ears. The thought of it drove him absolutely crazy.

"I wish you were here..."

Y'all want a smut?

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