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The boy stared at you both in disbelief, his jaw dropping almost the floor.

He let go of the cake and it was destroyed with a loud splattering sound.
"I-" you started, but he just ran into the back.

You pulled Jimin up by the ear.
"YOU IDIOT!" you shouted at him. He held his hands up in defense.
"How could you? He's just a little boy- only looks about 17! Yet, you decide to let your hormones take over? You should be ashamed of yourself. We're going home." you said.

You walked up to the front and left a 20 dollar bill as an apology before yanking Jimin by the arm and dragging him out of the bakery.

You got home feeling stressed.
"Go upstairs." you said. Jimin wordlessly nodded and went up, not wanting to anger you more. He knew he messed up... big time.

Suddenly, you got a call.
Namjoon the Jerk is calling...

That stupid idiot, what did he want now? He had already fired you, so what was the point in trying to call you?
"What do you want, jerk. Make it quick, I have better things to do, like take a nap."
"Um... yeah, why didn't you come into work today?"

You rolled your eyes and scoffed, as if he'd be able to see.
"Uh... excuse me?"
"You're joking, right? Do you not remember what happened the other night?"
"No, I don't recall..."
"You fired me."
"Yep, while 'hanging out' with one of the receptionists."
"Oh, gosh, Y/N... I'm so sorry-"
"Save it for someone who cares!" you yelled into the phone, and then hung up.

Stressed tears ran down your face as your flopped onto the sofa. And to think, life had been so normal just an hour ago. You looked to the staircase to see Jimin sneaking down. He wordlessly made his way to the couch and sat next to you, clearing his throat. He handed you a box of tissues.
"Thank you." you muttered, snatching a tissue and loudly blowing your nose.

"I'm sorry, angel."

"I really am. I'm sorry I can't control my emotions. I try- I really do, I promise. Sometimes my animal instinct takes over, you know that. It's just.. the way that guy was looking at you... and then you didn't even notice it. It just... it brings out something in me.
You know I love you so much, I'd never want to do anything to hurt you or embarrass you, so I'm sorry I did earlier. I'll never step foot into that bakery again. I'm very sorry, I'll make it up to you." he said, inching closer to you as he did so, his eyes staring into yours filled with sadness.

"I forgive you." you said. He smiled and kissed you on the cheek.
"Now, what's got you so worked up?" he asked, laying you across his lap and stroking your back.
"Nothing, I just... Namjoon called me."
"That idiot... what did he say?" he asked, teeth clenched and hands fisted.
"Nothing important, sweetie. He questioned why I hadn't gone into work. I told him exactly why..."
"I'm so glad you move on, even if your new job is with that Jin guy. At least you'll be happier."

"Yeah, and richer, too. Jin is loaded and I didn't even know. He has to pay me top dollar for being his secretary, haha." you laughed.

"Well, I hope you enjoy your new job, my beautiful angel." he said, kissing your cheek.
"Thank you, Jiminie~" you said, kissing his lips and giggling.

"Now, let's see what I can do to cheer you up..." he said, pushing you down against the couch and staring at you with lust-filled eyes.

Y'all want another smut or is that too much, lol.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now