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I went back to the room to see the cat staring at me.

"Aww, you poor baby." I said picking up the cat and stroking its fur.
"You're horrible owner abandoned you... you don't even have a collar. Don't worry, I'll help you, sweetie." I said.

Since the day was almost over, I put the cat in a storage room. I gave it a bowl of water and a bowl of some wet cat food.
"Go ahead and eat that, honey. I'll be back in... 30 minutes." I said.


After I finished my work, I came back to an empty storage closet. How did the cat escape? It doesn't even have thumbs! I ran around the clinic looking for it, when suddenly, I found a boy with black hair and black ears sitting in the corner.


This boy was a hybrid.

"Um.. hi?" I walked towards it, reaching out my hand, but he hissed at me, making me draw my hand back.
"Can you change back into your cat form?" I asked him. He shook his head.
"Do you want to come home with me?" I asked him. He nodded and stood up. I saw multiple cuts and bruises littering his arms and legs. I helped him walked back to my house after grabbing my purse and saying my goodbyes to Dr. Kim.


I opened the door to see Jiminie standing right in front of me. His tear-streaked fave was suddenly lit up with happiness and joy. He hugged me, nuzzling his nose into my neck.
"I missed you so much."  he whined, but suddenly, he growled. He pulled back.

"What is that I smell? You smell like... another male. Two males." he growled. He pulled me all the way inside and threw me on the couch. He walked over to me slowly, his eyes burning with desire.

"I'm going to scent you..." he said. His trailed brushed against my face, sending shivers down my spine. He slowly licked my neck as he grinder against me. He rubbed his shoulders on my chest, then pressed chaste kisses alone my legs until he reached the meeting of my thighs. He licked and bit down there, running his tongue over the new bruise to soothe the pain.

"Mm, you smell like me now." He said.


"Er..." I looked behind me to see the cat boy standing there.
"Jimin, look. This is someone I met at he clinic today." I said.
Jimin looked to see the black haired boy standing there.

He growled.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now