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Thank you to everyone who adds this book to their library! Those people spam my notification list, lol.

You figured that going to work the next day would be extremely awkward, seeing as you had just rejected Jin. Not to mention, Jimin was getting clingier by the seconds. Thankfully, Taehyung had called you and told you that you could take the day off. You planned to have the laziest day ever in bed with your cuddly cat-hybrid.

Suddenly, you heard a knock at the door. You groaned and tried to get up, but Jimin was pulling you down.
"Can you let g-"
"No." he replied. You sighed and kicked his arms away before going downstairs, Jimin trailing behind you and whining about his arms. You opened the door.

"SURPRISE!" Hoseok shouted, bursting through the door and almost knocking you over.
"Hi." Yoongi said, before coming in, as well. You and Jimin both gave each other the same disappointed look.

"What brings you here...?" you asked, shutting the door.
"We're having the best day ever together!"
"Yeah." added Yoongi.

"Um... may I ask why?"
"Well, because of what happened with Jin, we thought we should cheer you up."

"No, today is MY day with Y/N. I already called her. She's only staying with me, so you can leave." huffed Jimin, holding you tighter and burying his face into your chest. You wanted to scold him, but you didn't have the energy, especially when you weren't thrilled by the idea of going outside of your house.

"Yeah, we thought about that, but we don't really care." Yoongi said.
"So, first we're going out for lunch, and then we're going to the mall to go shopping! Then, we are going to go back here and watch some fun movies!" Hoseok explained.

"I don't have money for that." you lied.
"Nice try. We know Jin pays you bucketloads. Also, you don't have to spend a dime. I'll pay for it all just to be nice!" Hoseok said.

You sighed and nodded your head. Jimin growled, but you shushed him and went upstairs to get ready for the day.


You whined and squinted your eyes at the amount of brightness outside. It extremely sunny and your were used to the soft lighting of your house.

"Isn't this great?" Hoseok asked.
"No." Jimin said.
"Was it necessary to sit outside?" you asked. Hoseok shook his head and you scoffed.

Suddenly, a waiter walked up to your table. She was dressed completely out of uniform with a black miniskirt instead of the long pants you saw on the other workers.

"Hi, welcome to Remi's Cafe! What can I get you..." she said, biting the tip of her pen and staring at Hoseok.

You let out the loudest laugh, but covered it up with a cough. Everyone looked at you strangely.

"Can I get a uh... boneless pizza?" Hoseok asked.
"Sure, coming right up!" she said, about to leave.

"Uh, we're here too." you said, rolling your eyes.
"Sorry, forgot." she scoffed. You gasped. You and the right mind to call the manager on her disrespectful self, but you decided to be nice. You were already stressed enough.

"May I have the pesto pasta with garlic bread on the side?" you ordered.
"Same." Jimin said.
"I want fish." Yoongi said.

The waitress wrote it all down and left after winking at Hobi. Yoongi started to growl and get up, but Hoseok pulled him back down.
"I don't like her." Yoongi pouted.

When the waitress came back, she set down everyone's food, "accidentally" spilling some bright red sauce on Yoongi.

"Oh, oopsies! I can be a bit clumsy." she giggled.
"I will impale you, tear you open, and claw out your entrails-"
"Yoongi." Hoseok muttered.
"Hmph." he quieted down.

"You need to apologize." Hoseok said.
"No thank you!" the waitress said.
"He said apologize." Jimin said, giving her a dark look.

"O-oh... sorry." she apologized and quickly left.
Yoongi smiled and nuzzled himself into Hoseok's chest.
"Mine." he mumbled.

"That was a mess." you said before digging into your food.

You all finished eating and a different waitress brought the bill. You told the manager what happened, with details from Yoongi who looked as if he was ready to pounce.


After a long day of shopping and eating, you finally arrived home. By the time you got there, you we're too full and tired to have a movie marathon, so Hoseok and Yoongi left.

"I love you." Jimin said.
"I love you, too." you smiled, using Jimin's chest as a pillow.

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~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now