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(A/N): Thank you for 700 reads!! I never imagined I'd get that many!
You all can leave suggestions for chapters, I'll probably add them.

The next day, you woke up with the loud beeping of your alarm. You crawled out of Jimin's arms and into your bathroom to get ready for work. You took a nice steamy shower, curled your hair, did your makeup, and picked out some clothes to wear under your uniform. As you finished dressing, you saw Jimin wake up.

"Good morning, Jiminie." you said, slipping on some heels.
"Mm, come back to bed, baby." he said, his morning voice making your knees wobble.
"I can't, I have to go to work, honey." you said, brushing some imaginary lint off your skirt.
"You don't have to go, just lie and say you're sick."  he said. You laughed.
"I can't do that, especially since Namjoon was kind enough to give me a day off yesterday." you told him. He whined, get up and walking over to you.

He wrapped his arms around the face, nuzzling his nose into your neck to breathe in your scent. He then pressed little kisses up and down your neck, sucking a bit on the almost faded away mark.
"I- Jiminie~"
"Can I mark you again?" he asked.
"Erm... no, not now. I'll be late, I have to go." you said, picking up your purse.
"Okay, I'll miss you." he said.
"I'll miss you, too. Bye bye~" you said, scratching his ears and kissing his forehead before walking out the door.


"Good morning, Y/N." he greeted you as you walked into the clinic.
"Good morning, Dr. Ki- I mean... Namjoon!" you stuttered, forgetting that you were calling each other by first names now.
"I brought you something." he said, handing you a warm caramel latte and a brown paper bag containing a blueberry muffin.
"Oh, thank you so much! You really didn't have to do that.." you said.
"I'd do anything for you." he said, eyes flickering.
"Um... you too, pal! Thanks, bye!" you said, quickly grabbing the food and running into the front desk area surrounded by glass. You greeted the other receptionists before putting on your uniform and getting to work.


"Y/N!" shouted the head receptionist.
"Yes?" you asked, abandoning the enormous stack of paperwork you had and running to her side.
"Please do all of this" she said, dropping a huge stack of papers onto your desk.
"Huh...but I already have so much..." you told her.
"Excuse me? Are you disobeying me?" she questioned, dandruff shaking out of her hair as she yelling.
"Um... no." you said, scooting farther away to avoid the snowflakes.
"That's what I thought." she said, smirking. She then walked over to her desk, smacking her gum loudly as she took out her nail polish and began to give herself a manicure. You scoffed. Did Namjoon even know about this? You smirked, getting up to go get Namjoon after you told the receptionists that you were going to "use the bathroom".

"Dr.- I mean Namjoon!" you called, walking into his office.
"Oh, hello, what brings you here?" he asks, setting down his papers and walking over to you.
"Well, I just need help with something at the front desk. There's a weird chart that I can't seem to translate." you lied.
"Okay, I'll help you. Let's go." he said, grabbing you by the waist as you walked towards the desk.


"Ms. Lee!" Namjoon shouted. The head receptionists became so startled that she dropped her nail polish bottle. The glass bottle shattered and created a nasty glittery mess on the floor.
"Uh- yes, Dr. Kim?" she said, standing.
"Oh, I didn't know this was a nail salon. Are you supposed to be doing your ratchet looking nails during work hours?" he questioned. You and the other receptionists struggled to hold in your laughs.
"Um... no, sir, I'm sorry." the head receptionist said, bowing.
"I bet you are. Hey, why does Y/N have all the paperwork? I do believe I asked you to finish that yesterday. Yet, you're sitting here doing your nails instead of what you're being paid to do." he shouted. The head receptionist glared at you, but you just smiled back.
"Hey, I'm talking to you, not Y/N." he said.
"You know what, from now on, you're not the head receptionist anymore." he said.
"What?! You can't do that!" she shouted.
"Oh?" he raised his brows.
"Er..." she bit her lip.
"That's what I thought. From now on, the head receptionist will be Y/N. You will take her job, and you'll also be taking her paperwork." he said, taking the large stack of papers off your desk and setting it onto hers.
"Thank you, Namjoon. I won't disappoint you." you said.
"No problem, I know you're perfectly capable of doing this job." he smiled back.
"Have a nice day." he said, leaving the room. You smirked.

"Ms. Lee, got get a mop and clean up your mess." you told the former head receptionist.
"B-But... the janitor does that stuff!" she exclaimed.
"Did I stutter?" you asked. She huffed and got up to go get a mop and bucket of water. The other receptionist just chuckled.

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