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This chapter contains smut, or dirty nasty stuff, so if you're uncomfortable with that just skip this chapter. You won't miss anything~

"Mmm." Jimin moaned into your skin as he trailed light kisses up and down your body. He massaged up and down your hips, slightly gripping them so that you couldn't run away- not like you would, anyways.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby." he purred into your stomach as he marked it up. You wiggles around in his hold, struggling to hold in your moans and squeaks.

He started to trail kisses down the the insides of your thighs. He pressed a feather kiss onto each one, slowly sucking on it. He nuzzled his face between your thighs and moaned.
"So soft." he purred. The vibrations only made the struggle to hold in your noises harder.

"Jiminie~" you moaned.
"Please, what?"
"You know."
"I'm afraid I don't, baby." he said, pressing more kisses to your thighs, inching closer and closer to your wet heat.
"I- ah~!"
"Come on, honey."
"I-I want more!"
"Be specific, babygirl." he said.

And with that, he pressed a kiss onto your clothed heat. That caused you to shiver and let out a loud whine. He licked you through your panties, which were soaked to the brim. Hastily, he ripped them off and threw them on the floor.
"Oh, you're soaked, honey. Is this all for me?" he asked, licking his lips. You only moaned as an answer, and he licked one stripe up your clit. You shivered harder, your hips bucking up to meet his mouth.
"Uh-uh, baby. Be patient for me." he said, holding your hips down again.
You moaned loudly as he suddenly went down on your, devouring you bit my bit. His tongue rubbed against your walls, eliciting loud moans to escape your mouth, which was currently red and swollen do to the kissing and biting of your lips.

"Mmm, such a good girl. You're so good for me, sweetie." he moaned against you. You whispered and shook.
"You taste so good, honey. How do you taste this sweet? So delicious~" he purred.
You shuddered. All this praise was making you drip even more. You let out a soft moan with every word he said, letting the praises fill your mind and body with pleasure. He made you feel so good. Suddenly, it was becoming hard for you to hold back.

"Yes, honey?" he answered before going back to eating you out.
"I- ah! I wanna come."
"Mm, that's not how we ask, is it?"
"S-sorry. I- mm~ I want- please!"
"Ask properly, honey."
"Can I come please?"
"Beg." he growled, his animal instincts showing.
"Please, please, please. I've been so good, please!"
"Mmm, alright, go ahead." he said, and with that, you came. He licked you softly through your orgasm.

He pulled away and looked at you. You were utterly tired out.

"Oh, honey, look at you. So breathless for me. Mm, all because of me, huh?" you could only respond to him with a heavy sigh, too blissed out to say anything.

He then went back down between your thighs. His slowly licked against you again, causing you to shudder from oversensitivity.
"I'm gonna clean you, baby. Just let the little aftershocks run through you, m'kay?"
you nodded. His plump lips wrapped around you fully as his tongue licked every single crevice, cleaning out your warm cum. Your body jerked and you felt sparks flow all throughout you as he pleasurably licked and sucked at your heat. He pulled away, licking his lips, wishing there had been more.

You wanted to make him feel good, too. You could see his straining tip sticking out from the top of his boxers. You crawled towards him on the bed, a seductive look in your eyes. Jimin bit his bottom lip while looking down at you. You carefully brought your index finger to the tip, rubbing around the dripping pre-cum that was surrounding it. You dug your finger into the slit, causing more to bubble and spill out. Jimin let out a breathy moan, grabbing your hand.

"Don't tease, kitten." he growled. You slowly brought his boxers down until they were at his knees. He pulled them off the rest of the way, throwing them somewhere on the floor next to your ruined underwear. His cock had popped out. You gulped at the sight. His long, thick length was wet with pre-cum. His angry red tip was twitching, pre-cum spilling in a steady stream out the top and onto the bedsheets.

"Suck me, baby." he said, stroking your hair. You inched closer to bit and gave little kitten licks to the tip. He tasted both sweet and slightly salty. You wrapped more of your mouth around him. He moaned and bucked more into the warm wet heat. He stuffed all of himself into your mouth at once, causing you to gag. He hurriedly pulled out.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, honey. Shh, I'll be more careful." he said, reassuring you. You nodded and went back to his head.

You slowly eased your mouth back onto him. You suckled lightly at the tip, moaning as if it were twice as good for you as it was for him. You wrapped your tongue around the tip, digging your tongue into the slit and massaging it, gently. You trailed over his veins with your tongue.
"Your mouth is so good, baby. You're sucking me so well." he praised you. You went farther down on him, folding your lips over your teeth.

"You take my cock so well, darling." he moaned as he uncontrollably bucked his hips into your mouth. Instead of choking and gagging, you took it well. A mix of saliva and pre-cum ran down your chin. You swallowed and hummed around him as he moaned more. His hips continually bucked into your mouth, his veiny hand grabbing onto your hair in a makeshift ponytail as you pleased him. You loved the dull ache in your jaw and the messiness of sucking him off.

"Oh, so good. Look at me, baby." he said. You tried to look up at him, your eyes almost crossing. He laughed and started to buck into you more.
"Honey, I'm going to cum now. Are you going to be good and let me come in your mouth?"
he asked. You, obviously not able to answer, just clawed at his thighs.
"Ah, I'm coming." he shouted, and soon, exploded into your mouth. You continuously swallowed around him, sucking him through his orgasm, rubbing at his thighs before he collapsed on the bed next to you.

"Mm, you did so well, baby." he said before kissing your forehead. You giggled. You both fell asleep in each other's arms, not bothering to clean up until the next morning.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now