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The doorbell rang.

"Y/N!" Hoseok huffed me tightly and played around with my hair.
"Hi, Hob-"

Suddenly, I heard a loud growl and was pulled back into a warm chest.
Jimin has wrapped his arms around me, securing them tightly around my chest and waist. I could feel the loud and quick pounding of his hard, the heat of his skin wafting over me. He was glaring at Hoseok.

"Y/N, who is this?" Hobi asked, taking a step forward into the house.

Jimin hugged you tighter.

"Mine." he growled out. I wouldn't be lying if I said his actions were absurd and rude, but I also wouldn't be lying if I said that they were hot.

I felt his hot breath on my neck as he whispered into my ear... mine.

"Jimin... let go." I pleaded.
"No, you're mine. He's not touching you." Jimin said to me.
"Touch her?" Hobi questioned, dropping the bag of clothes I asked him to bring to the floor.
"Yes, that's what you want to do." Jimin said.
"I was just hugging her, don't get so butt hurt over it." he chuckled.

Jimin growled and raised his hand to hit Hoseok, but I stood in front of him.

"Jimin, you're being ridiculous! He's my friend and I asked him to come to bring YOU clothes, you are being extremely rude and ungrateful.

Jimin pouted, his ears pressed against his head.

"His ears... they move. WHAT THE HECK?!" Hoseok screamed.

"No, shhh calm down! It's just... uhm, a moving headband!" I said. Hoseok, surprisingly, believed me.

"Okay... I'll be going now." He said, then stormed off.

I closed the door and turned towards Jimin.

"Go upstairs, now." I said, sternly. He whimpered, but went upstairs silently.

I sighed. Why was he being like this? I went upstairs into my room to find Jimin sulking on the bed.

"I-I'm sorry, Y/N. I just didn't like him touching all over you." he pouted.
"Aww, it's okay, Jimin. I know you're a bit protective, but you can't do that all the time. Okay, honey?" I rubbed his head, scratching his ears.

He purred with content. I scratched behind and between his ears as he purred and meowed loudly. Suddenly, he moaned out and stretched his legs. I was a bit shocked.

"Sorry, hehe, but it feels so good." Jimin exaggerated.
I nervously laughed and tried to get up from the bed, but he pulled me back down into his lap.

"Stay with me... please?"

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now