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Remember, you can always leave suggestions!
Stay safe~


It was pitch black outside. The only noise you heard was the sound of your own breathing. You shivered. It was currently 1:35 in the morning. You hopped Jin would not catch you trying to escape.

You carefully removed the covers from off of your body as your feet hit the hardwood floors. Cringing at the coldness and slight squeaking noises of the polished wood, you crept to wear the chair was in the corner of the room. You tried moving it normally, but it made a dreadful squeaking noise as it slid across the floor.

You cringed, hoping Jin had not heard anything out of the ordinary.

You tried lifting the chair, but it was too heavy for you to carry. You sighed. How were you supposed to get it under the vent?


The police entered the house and started to question Hoseok and Yoongi.
"Where was she the night she went missing?" a policewoman asked.
"Well, she had gone out that night... I'm not sure where." Hoseok said.

"Hm... let's search upstairs." the policewoman barked, and the rest of the team followed her.

Jimin crawled behind them, his tail swinging back and forth. He meowed. A police turned behind the look at him.

"Aww... what a cute little kitt- AHH!" he had reached down to pet Jimin but he had gotten a scratch on the nose instead.

"Shut up!" another policeman shouted.
The wounded policeman frowned and went downstairs to ask Hoseok for a bandage.

Only Y/N can touch me.


You were somehow able to quietly move the chair under the ceiling vent. You carefully hopped on the chair and tried to open the vent. It was screwed shut.

"Ugh, why does this stuff only happen to me?" you silently complained.

You looked around the room for something to unhook the vent with. A lightbulb went off in your head as you silently approached the painting hanging on the wall. It was a pretty picture of a woman with deliciously dark skin and curly black hair. She was floating in the air and was adorned with gold jewelry and a silky white dress. You stared at the beautiful painting for a moment before snapping out of it.

You carefully unhooked the painting from the wall. You turned it around to see a small hook. It definitely looked strong enough to pry off the thing preventing you from accessing the inside of the vent. You set the painting down carefully and walked over to the vent.

You hopped on the chair and and began to unscrew the vent. Little by little, it started to unhinge. Eventually, it was about to fall off. Unfortunately, it would hit the floor and make a loud noise.

"Shoot!" you almost shouted as you went to grab the vent cover. You silently celebrated as you caught it in your hands, but you had lost balance standing in the chair and toppled over.

You squealed as you landed onto the floor.

Carefully, you stood back up and started ti climb into the vent. Due to your amazing holder body strength, you were able to pull yourself up and into the vent.

It was dark and kind of dusty in there. There was only enough light to see where the turns in the vent were. You sighed. You felt hot and stuffy in the enclosed space. You crawled along the metal inside, not being able to see much. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.

Finally, you came upon another vent opening. You pepped through the small slits in the vent cover. You saw Jin. You cringe. Thankfully, he was still asleep in his bed.

You shivered and continued to walk through the vent. You peeped down through different vent covers to see the various room. You saw some beautifully decorated bathrooms, along with the living room and kitchen.

You reached another vent opening. Carefully, you roped down. It was your own room.

"Ugh, so I just went in a full circle?" you screeched before covering your mouth.

Uh oh.

You gasped. You had just screamed inside of the vents. The echo rang through the small tunnels. You heard bedsheets rustling. Jin had woken up.

Crap! you thought before quickly crawling through the vents.

"Y/N... was that you?" you heard a groggy voice say. You started to crawl faster, looking for a different opening. You passed the same rooms over and over again. You could hear Jin's footsteps as he walked throughout the house.

You stopped in front of the kitchen vent to look down and see Jin holding a knife. You screamed. He heard it and looked up.

In the small moment, both of your eyes meant.

Double crap.

You saw Jin's devilish grin appear again. His face was red and his hands were trembling as he held his knife.
"There you are sweetie... I'm coming to get you." he growled. You squeaked and saw him make his way upstairs.

Tears rolled down your cheeks. You knew Jin would see the chair and the open vent in your room. He wouldn't even need the chair to crawl into the vent and stab you to death!

You crawled towards the bedroom vent. You saw Jin jump up, his head peering into the vent. He tried to crawl his way through, but hid shoulders were too wide. You heard him curse. You giggled and turned around to crawl further, only to be meat with a piercing pain in your calf.

Jin had stabbed you.

You screamed at the searing pain. Your muscles tightened and you felt warm liquid dripping down your lower leg. The smell of metal invaded your senses. You cried, barely crawling away as you heard Jin's cynical laughter.

You crawled around, looking for another opening. Thankfully, you found a new opening by the door. It would be easier to open from the inside!

You quickly unhinged it and, without thinking, dropped to the floor with a loud thud. You knew Jin must have heard it, as you started to hear footsteps on the staircase. You screamed and clawed at the door.

You gathered enough strength to try and open it, only to find out it was locked. At that same moment, Jin had grabbed you from behind. You felt a weaker stab in your back, as you were flailing around so much. You managed to kick him in the no-no zone. You heard him cry in pain as you kicked him again, knocking him over.

Suddenly, you heard a knock at the door.
"Open up, it's the police!" someone shouted. You sighed in relief.

"THE DOOR IS LOCKED! PLEASE HELP ME, HE HAS ME TRAPPED IN HERE." you screamed, and with that, the police had gathered enough strength to forcefully knock the door down.

"W-why... sweetie... I thought we were m-meant to be..." he cried as the police cuffed him.

"Go away you nasty creep! I never want to see your face again." you said, crying in relief.

"Let's get you home..." a nice police woman said. You were carried by some people onto a stretcher before you passed out due to shock.

You saw black.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now