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You practically ran through the front door and threw yourself on the couch. You kicked off your heels and they landed somewhere on the floor next to you with a loud clunk.

"Angel? Where are you?" Jimin asked, running down the stairs.
"Here." you mumbled from the couch.

"Oh... what's wrong with your hair?" he asked.
"What do you mean?"
"It looks like a birds nest."
"Rude!" you shouted, picking up one of the heels from off the floor and chucking it at him.

He dodged it, but whined.

"Baby I'm hungry."
"Why? Didn't you eat breakfast? I told you I always leave it in the fridge."
"Nah, I want some of you." he said, climbing on top of you and attacking you with kisses.

"H-hey, stop!" you laughed.
"Tell me you love me first!"
"Okay, I love you! Now stop!" you said.
he pulled away gently, but not before pressing a soft kiss against your forehead.

"Jimin, what should we do? I was supposed to work, but Jin gave me the day off again because I got attacked while trying to park my car."
"You got... attacked?"
"Sort of. The attacker was a purse snatcher. He was also really stupid." you said, getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Jimin rushed to your side and started sniffing and rubbing all over you, checking for any signs of injury.

"Yes, I'm fine. I know how to fight!"
"Barely." Jimin rolled his eyes.
"Hey, don't be mean or I won't feed you any snacks." you said, pulling out a container of juice and some cookies from out of the cabinet.

You set some cookies on a plate and poured some juice for the two of you. You happily munched on the diabetes-inducing snack.

"Say 'ah', baby." Jimin said, holding out a cookie to your mouth. You opened wide and he fed you the cookie. He continued to feed you until you told him you were full.

You got up to put the plate and glasses away, but Jimin stopped you.

He took the plate and glasses, rinsed them off, and set them in the sink.
"Thank you." you said.
Jimin smiled and gave you a peck on the lips.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?" you wondered.
You walked to the front door, Jimin trailing close behind you, but backing up a bit when he recognized the scent.

"Y/N!" Hoseok exclaimed, giving you a hug and then pushing you to the side, entering your house without invitation.
"Hi." Yoongi said, simply, before coming in, as well.

"Um, hi? What are you two doing here?"
"Listen, Y/N, sorry for such short notice but I got called in for work last minute. I need you to watch Yoongi, okay?"

"He can't watch himself? I leave Jiminie alone when I go to work."
"Yoongi's been really... clingy. When I leave, he makes a big mess and starts crying."
"That happened with Jimin once, except not as bad as that." you said.

"The point is, I don't want him alone... by himself. Just watch him so he doesn't get too sad, okay?"
"Fine." you said.
"Thanks, you're the best!" Hobi smiled and hugged you.

He then went over to Yoongi.
"Bye, baby. I'll miss you kitten, hehe." Hoseok said and kissed Yoongi's cheek.
"Do you have to go?" Yoongi mumbled.
"Yes, my little suga cube."
"I said don't call me that." Yoongi angrily said.
"Shh, have fun!" he gave Yoongi's one last kiss before going out the door.

"Well, this'll be fun! What do you guys want to do?"
"Wanna sleep." Yoongi said, bluntly.
"Oh... are you sure you don't want to do something more fun, like watching a movie or baking something yummy?"
"Okay, you can nap in the guest room."

You led Yoongi upstairs and into the room. He slid into the bed and closed his eyes. You sighed and left, going back downstairs to Jimin.

"What's his problem?" Jimin asked.
"He doesn't have one." you said, sternly.
"I didn't mean it like that, he's just... depressive. Why'd he so sad all the time?"

"He isn't, sweetie. He's just... not very expressive with his emotions." you said.

Suddenly, you heard loud whines. You were shocked. You and Jimin ran upstairs to the guest room to find Yoongi sobbing into the mattress, the blankets and pillows thrown all across the room.

You quickly ran to the bed and wrapped yourself around Yoongi, shushing him. You turned around to see Jimin glaring at you, but you shooed him away. He left, but not before rolling his eyes and scoffing.

"Yoonie... can you tell me what's wrong?" you asked, pulling him to face towards you. He lowered his head and his cries softened. He sniffed before talking.

"M-miss Hobi..." he mumbled, wiping his face with the sleeve of his black sweater. His ears were pressed against his head, his tail curled into his waist.
"Awww... it's okay. He'll be back."

"No, want him now." Yoongi cried more.
"Do you want to call him?"
He nodded and looked around for your phone. You took it out of your pocket and dialed his number. The first time, he didn't answer, and you could see Yoongi's eyes starting to tear up, so you called him again.

Surprisingly, he picked up quickly.
"Yes? Sorry, I didn't have my phone for a minute."
"Hi, there's an issue."
"Oh no, what's wrong?"
"He's crying, and misses you."
"Put me on speaker." Hoseok said.

"Hobi!" Yoongi cried getting closer to the phone.
"Hi, baby. How are you feeling?"
"Not good. I want... I want to be with you."

"I know, I'm sorry for leaving you. To be perfectly honest, I should have just brought you with me. I'll be back in an hour or so, okay? Can you last that long, Yoongi bear?"

Yoongi mumbled a yes.

"Good. I'll come back, okay? I love you!"
"Love you too." Yoongi mumbled.
"Bye bye!"

You hung up the phone and turned toward Yoongi. He had stopped crying now, but his face was still red and swollen, and his eyes were red.

You were surprised, you had never seen Yoongi show his emotions like this. Had you even seen him smile? You shivered at the thought.

"Are you alright now?" you asked him. He nodded before embracing you.

You were a bit shocked at first, but returned the hug for a few seconds before Yoongi pulled away.

"Let's get you something to eat, okay?" you said. Yoongi nodded and followed you downstairs.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now