2 - Austin Blake

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Song: Falsetto - The Dream
~Talking all that sh*t, soon as I hit...~


Final warning.. this chapter has intense sexual content and adult language. If that is not your thing, please discontinue or move to the next one.



He stands as soon as I'm in full view, collecting both my hands in his offering soft kisses on both of them. My cheeks turn to a light pink as my knees fall weaker at this exchange. Why is he such a gentleman to a girl like me? His eyes find mine.. "You look even more gorgeous in person. I mean your picture online is nice but my my.." He trails off in a lascivious tone.

I chuckle softly at his kind words.. "you're not so bad yourself." What I actually wanted to say was 'boy, you're hotter than a Greek God right now'

He withdraws a chair for me around the bar, not claiming his own seat until I'm seated comfortably; crossing my legs.

"What would you like to drink?" He smiles, a glint in his ocean blue eyes.

"Something.. strong." Releasing the hitched breath from my throat, I let out a breath. Everything about him is all too distracting and all too overwhelming to process all too fast and I'm struggling to keep my shit together. I wish I had collected some more information so I could've at least had an idea what I'm setting up myself for. How dumb.

The drink has to be strong to assist with my relaxation process.. I'm so nervous, next to shaking, I just want to take the edge off and get a grip of my damn self.

"So is it safe to exchange our real names?" He asks.

"Why not? I'm an escort, not a spy."
Earning a chuckle from him, a smile forms on my own face as I secretly appreciate the cute sound.

"Well even if you were a spy I would definitely be fooled." I'm fully aware of how his choice of words is keeping my smile active and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

"My name's Austin Blake." His tone slightly changes from flirtatious to polite, extending an arm to shake my hand. As I take his soft, warm hand, a cool bliss travels through me at the touch of our skins making contact again, a feeling that occurs unreal.

"I-I'm Yas, Yasmine Scott.." I stutter.. You're so stupid Yas, really. "I have my state ID handy, just in case you also need any proof to support my statement." A smirk tugs at the creases of my pink lips, my words earns a steady laugh from him as well.

Even his laugh is perfect.

"Yas... that's a beautiful name. Not that I didn't expect a beautiful name to go with this face. I mean.. look at you." Tilting my head to the side, I flush pink. "So tell me a little about yourself, what type of business are you in?" He asks.

"Is that a trick question? I'm working right now as we speak." I shrug. He laughs once more.. a more effortless laugh, less guarded.

You're a clown Yas, a clown I tell you.

"I like your sense of humor. Come on now, there must be something else on your agenda."

"Well, I'm currently majoring in cinematography and business at Full Sail University; I want to be an actress and an entrepreneur. That's kinda the reason why I'm here, it's super expensive and I attend school during the days so it would be impossible for me to get a full time or even part time job that would meet my bills and studying hours. And either way that money still wouldn't be enough to pay off my tuitions that I got through a student loan." I pause to capture a breath from the fresh scent of the air.

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