46 - Burn In Hell

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Song: Billie Eilish - All The Good Girls Go To Hell
~my time to ignore ya~ 🔥

2 updates in one day..


She trudges inside and I can see how tense her shoulders are and how she's chewing on her inner cheeks. Leah and I following silently behind her. The place is a mess and smells like sweaty socks that are piled up for days, urging me to feel nauseous.

"Don't touch anything. Anything at all." Chloe instructs, we simply nod in agreement, everyone owning their own personal share of timidity. That's definitely fine with me.

There's a small table, with traces of a white powdery substance and a few half empty beer bottles. Beside it is a couch with a pale skinned woman with short messy hair laying in it, she's wrapped up in a thin sheet smoking a cigarette.

She slowly glances around on us, sitting upright. She takes a glimpse at me, Leah and then at Chloe.

"You changed your hair." Her tone is groggy and of a slur as Chloe stays quiet, glaring at her. "You look different." She adds, hoping for a response this time.

Chloe takes a glimpse on the table in front of her.

"Still on cocaine, huh.. I should've known. You never change." Chloe says softly, her serious tone is filled with disappointment but still not surprised.

"I'm glad you're back. I'm all alone." She tells Chloe.

"I'll never come back here. For the first time in my life, I have a real home, I'm happy now." Chloe retorts.

The woman stays quiet as she and Chloe exchange emotional glares at each other then the woman laughs coldly and shakes her head. Leah and I look at each other uncomfortably.

She glances at Leah and I again boringly, taking another pull of her cigarette, "you left me for rich fancy friends. I completely understand." A smile that is far from genuine tugs at the corners of her thin, chapped lips.  

Chloe doesn't answer, but still keeping direct focus on her.

"I can give you your old room back back." She adds.

A look of distaste covers Chloe's entire features. "My old room? My old room!?" She exclaims, glaring at her in disgust as the woman simply smirks.

Chloe stomps over to her, stepping on the table and then across it to the woman. She grabs her with she sheet still around her, dragging her apparently weak intoxicated body up out of the chair.

"Chloe!" I call out but she ignores me.

"Come! We're gonna take a little trip down memory lane to my old room!" Chloe shouts as she drags the woman behind her into a room. Leah and I rush behind them, terrified and scared for this sudden anger Chloe is displaying.

Chloe enters a small room. She brings the woman from behind her back and releases her to the floor in front of her. She quickly jumps up, clearly terrified.

"This was my room?" Chloe's voice still on a high pitch that makes me nervous, a small sweat traveling down my forehead. "This was a living hell! This was my bed!" She shouts, pointing to the bed.

"This is the bed I slept in at nights, when John would come in here and violate me! He deserves to rot in hell and I hope he dies that slow, painful death on the inside. Yes, I heard what you said in the voicemail, about him leaving forever? I read about it. He was found guilty for multiple rapes. They sent him on death road in prison and I'm so fucking glad someone was finally strong enough to go to the police! I may not have had the courage to do that, but I came to you. And what did you do? You beat me! You beat me so bad! You were my mother and you were supposed to help because you knew about everything he was doing to me! And you sat your fat ass there and let him hurt me, terrorize me, and what did you do? Nothing! You did fucking nothing!" Chloe screams in rage, so much rage that the muscles in her neck seem as if they're about to pop.

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