39 - Husband To Be

391 27 6

Song: Kc & Jojo - All My Life
~all my life, I've prayed for someone like you~


I'm the lucky duckling today to survive the curse words and the tantrum Austin threw after I told him what's been happening to Eva and me. He was mostly angry about the roll I play in the whole endeavor and threatens to personally beat Mark to a pulp before having his puppets in authority Mark away apparent attempted murder and having his goons take care of the rest on the inside by continuing the torturous job. 

Now, I am fully aware that violence is not the key and revenge isn't either, but how other way will Mark learn his lesson. Am I going to suck it up and allow him to continue doing this to other females? Will I just accept my infertility issues that he caused like he hadn't done that to me? How other way will he learn if he's not fed a dose of his own medicine?

If I should look back over the years, Austin and I had gone through a lot before we met. I've given up on love and decided to start a new journey. I would've done it sooner if I had known that it would lead me to this.

My eyes slowly open as I stare at the ceiling at nothing in particular for a few seconds. Lifting my wrist to look at the ring, realizing that it's most definitely not a dream and I'm fully awake. This is real. I'm literally engaged to my best friend, my smile keeper. I'm a whole fiancé. How did we get to this? Is this the love was supposed to be? But who said love was supposed to be scripted and in a sequence? We break all the rules but it most definitely worked for us. I thought we were highly incompatible but we fit perfectly together.

I feel what he feels. I wish I could see myself in his eyes to get an idea of what is it that he loves so much.

I smile with myself, jumping out of bed once the goosebumps awaken and the adrenaline of a wonderful future courses though me. I rush to the bathroom and take a fast shower then slipping in some underwear n bra. After the necessaries, I tie a robe around my body then head downstairs.

Starving, I head straight for the kitchen where I find Austin, Chloe and Cassie eating.

Do they know about the engagement as yet?

"You're finally up." Chloe pipes up first.

I smile, walking over to her and shuffle her hair.

"Good morning Yas. I made some scrambled eggs just the way you like 'em." Cassie beams.

"Good morning Cassie. Uuhhh, I'm so sorry. I feel for pancakes.. a lot.. with syrup.. and cranberry juice." I nibble at a nail sheepishly, hoping I'm not annoying her.

"I know." She simply says with a smirk as she gets to making it..

"Well, you've been giving Cassie a hard time lately." Chloe teases and I roll my eyes.

"Good morning my wife to be." Austin smiles at me, taking a sip of orange juice.

"Good morning my husband to be." I give him a kiss on the forehead, taking a seat next to him.

Cassie and Chloe's actions gradually comes to a halt, taking glances at us. An awkward silence spirals for a few seconds as everyone's eyes dart between each other.

Couldn't hold the excitement any longer, I raise my left hand with a grin, biting my lower lip in anticipation.

"Is that what I think it is?!" Chloe gapes.

"Yes. We're getting married!"

"Yaaaayyy!" Chloe screams throwing her hands in the air. She hurries over and offers us both a hug.

"Finally! Congratulations!" Cassie beams as they both gather closer to look at the ring.

"Look at the size of that thing. When did this happen?" Chloe's coos as her eyes are still fixated on the ring, examining it as if it's some rare prototype.

"Last night in the rain." Austin tells them, the smile expanding further past his cheeks.

"Awwww!" Chloe and Cassie coos and I cringe inwardly from the cliché energy.

"Nobody knows as yet though, not even Gina. I'm going to call her now before the magazine launches because I don't want her moment to be about me."

I head back upstairs and begin to call my closest family and friends to tell them the good news. My ears begin to hurt from the screaming and the cheering.

A few hours later, Gina's issue launches and the media is going crazy which is in a good way. They love the collection, they love her and they love the models, especially Chloe. They're already getting calls from brands enquiring about Chloe. Today is such an exciting day for everyone.

"Aren't you excited? Clothing brands are already calling about you. Before you know it, you could be a real model." I say to Chloe.

"That's crazy!"

"But is it something that you would like to do? Being that writing is your dream career, I don't want you to lose yourself in this field, modeling can be very mentally and physically consuming.. it happens."

"I love writing, I'll never give up on that. But if God gave me other talents, who am I to debate that?"

"Chloe, I said those exact words once. I'm glad you're staying true to your passions though and I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks. Can you take me to Leah's house?"

"I'm really not in the mood to leave the house right now honey." I give her a sympathetic smile in hopes that she'll understand.

"That's okay. She can come here." Austin's voice chimes in as he walks by casually, disappearing around a corner.

"Thank you!" Chloe yells for him to hear, even though it doesn't matter to him if she responds or not.

She picks up her phone and texts Leah right away.

"So what are we wearing tonight?" Chloe asks, both of us grinning at each other, ready to shut it down.


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