48 - Shame

378 31 2

Song: Luther Vandross - Dance With My Father
~If I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him.~

#20 in engaged out of 1000+ stories


3 weeks later..

I silently walk up to Chloe's half opened door and push it open very carefully, not making a sound. Holding a small ball in her hand, she turns it with her fingers, looking at it. She bounces it, catches it and looks at it again. She repeats this activity over and over.

I lean my body against the door post, resting my shoulder on it and wrap one leg around the other. Folding my hands and observing her as she's still oblivious to me standing here. She has come a far way and still more to learn, still more growth left but she is very strong for such a young girl.

She glances over at me finally, a rested look that makes it clear that she knew that I've been standing here.

"Hi." I say.

"Hey." Her half smile is still genuine.

I stride over to her bed, rocking my hands back and forth before settling on a seat beside her.

"What's this?" I ask referring to the ball.

"My dad gave it to me when I was 6. We used to play a little game of tennis on Sundays, or whenever he was free."

"Where is he now?"

"He died when I was 12." She tells me and I deflate.

"I'm sorry honey. How did he die?" I rub her back gently.

"Gun violence. He was a cop, you know.. he was just doing his job. One thing led to another and.. he got shot." She says softly, the pain is obviously still fresh.

"Its okay." I tell her.

"His name was James Maverick. He was a decent.. honest.. loving man. Never did drugs.. never did alcohol.. never even been in a fight. He was good. He used to say "Chloe, you are a leader." He was my strong tower, my hero.. I miss him sometimes. Why did he have to go? Why did life chose to take him instead of my mother?" She shakes her head.

"Sometimes in life, bad stuff happen to good people. It's just how it is. And every lost will lead to a greater gain if you only believe. Things was meant to happen to all of us, only to make us stronger for a bigger destiny. I want you to try and see what your destiny is. But you have to heal yourself first. I can only help, I cannot entirely do it for you. It starts from in here. It starts with you." I place a hand over where her heart is.

She turns to me, and I do the same. She takes my hands in her's. "Thank you."

I smile, caressing her flesh with my thumbs.

"Thank you for coming back for me that day.. giving me a life.. saving me from myself. Thank you for believing in me.. encouraging me.. strengthening me.. speaking life and positivity in me.. I didn't ask you to and you are not obligated to. You didn't have to share your home with a complete stranger but you did anyways. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to repay you, but I want to start by saying thank you. And I love you." She says in sincerity as my eyes get misty.

"You don't have to worry about paying me back for anything. I do what I do out of the willingness of my heart. I don't do it for anything in return. I was once like you. Lost.. hurting.. and didn't know where to turn. And then I met Austin." I can't help the smile at the mention of Austin's name, "I was told I couldn't even get pregnant again, but look at me now. Everyone enters your life for a reason and they all come with a different purpose. Sometimes we lose ourselves and God sends another person for you to build with.. to find back the life inside you. And that's what I want for you." I push a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

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