7 - Catching Flights

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Song: Rick Ross - Aston Martin ft Drake & Chrisette Michele
~Just me and my boos~


I'm editing.


I've had enough time to think and I hadn't been on touch, touch is the app I use for my escorting. Even after deleting my photo, I'm still being notified of new messages and interests on my page.

That's not important though, what's important is that I accepted Austin's proposal and my life hasn't been the same since.

Sex, sex, more sex and then some.

Money, money, and more money.

Even if we do it at my house, we still occasionally take it to the hotel rooms to keep the theme of escorting. My life has been exciting, and I'm not sure how he does all this without making me feel like a whore. I let him do unspeakable things to me and tried things I didn't even knew had anything to do with sex.

He still takes me on dates when time is cleared for both of us, he still cracks inside jokes of dark humor, making me laugh till my cheeks feel sore, he still gives me details of his everyday life at the end of each day. However he is still guarded and keeps his family life and I separate. I sometimes wonder if its because his family would be ashamed or disapprove. He basically keeps me completely away from his personal life, I don't even know his friends. Why does that even bother me? It shouldn't.

It's been four months since I met him and it has been 122 days of pure awesomeness. Austin is a walking angel without wings, a breath of sweet air of excitement. Somehow, he has managed to see my every side even when I try to suppress them: the moody, the happy, the bipolar, the insecurities, the angry etc. Because of school and he's a busy business man as well, we try hard to compromise ways to make time for each other.

A while back, he told me he would pay off my student loan in full and also my rent for a year and he actually did. I'm not a materialistic type of girl but knowing Austin, whatever he says he's going to do, best believe he's going to do it whether I accept or not. But I'm grateful. I dodged about 3-5 years of debts!

It's now summer so I got a short break from school. Austin is closing a deal in Dubai so he has to fly out for a while. Hell, I'm going to miss the man.

The sound of someone entering my apartment startles me. Getting out of bed to find the intruder, a familiar voice graces my ears, he's on the phone. He and Gina are the only ones with keys for this forbidden place. I smile discreetly, unknowingly biting a nail that I happened to just filed.

It's my gorgeous, 6"4 Greek God. Looking better than a butter leather Prada bag.

"Okay, see you soon." He ends the call, taking a seat on a little grey, fluffy hassock in my room and before he could say anything I'm already straddling him, invading his breathing space.

"I'm gonna miss you." I whine in a playful crying manner.

He hooks his strong arms around my waist, gripping me tighter to his torso. "Me too baby." He presses his forehead on mine and I love the sensation I get when he does that.

Goosebumps still washes my body from his touch.. "Call me every day?"

He pushes a strand of hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear. "Come with me."

I gape at him prior to laughing but he remains silent, his poker face staring at me, now sensing that he's actually serious. "Are you for real? I can't, you're leaving tomorrow morning and.. Dubai.. Sidney.. stop playing.." I swat his arm softly, he tilts his head and continues giving me a cold look. This man is for real!

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