10 - To Another

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Song: Arianna Grande - Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored
~than I realize she's right there, and now I'm on my damn, this ain't fair~


A/N: This story is under intense editing. Some scenes have been and will be removed or changed significantly. Please try not to get confused. Just enjoy!


"You know what, this is all my fault. I knew I should have never gone back into.. whatever this is! I knew that this was too good to be fucking true! Did I even gave you a reason to lie to me? None! Why didn't you say anything? I thought.." The remaining words are lost on my tongue as the knots in my stomach pulls tighter.

The salty taste of my tears on my lips has vehemently dampened my cheeks as well. The volume of my sobs get louder and all my heart desires right now is to go home, I feel so humiliated.

"Yasmine, everything I said was true. I've never lied to you and I would never do anything to hurt you.. intentionally." He drawls and my mind ignores the genuineness of his tone if there's any.

"So this is why you kept your family and personal life away from me? This is exactly why you were trying your best to keep me as a secret?"

"It's not like that." He growls, massaging his the bridge of his nose. What is he not telling me.

"It's not like that.." I repeat, "so I guess you just happened to wake up married one bright and sunny morning?" I sneer and with each passing word, I want to smash things. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask." he mutters quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

"Are you fucking serious right now?"

"Yasmine, if you would just calm the fuck down for simply a minute. There's a perfect explanation for all of this."

"I don't want an explanation. What I want is to go home and never see you again. I thought.. I thought this was real. You said you loved me, Austin, for crying out loud!"

"I do love you! It's a long.." he holds the bridge of his nose again, frantically pacing back and forth. "You know what, forget about what I said back there in the party. About me loving you? I was drinking and.. I said some things I may not have meant. Let's just go back to how we were, I'm sorry for complicating this." He tells me before storming out the door. 

I stay rooted to my spot, staring at the door as my heart sinks deeper and deeper in my stomach. As if in hopeless denial of him coming back through that damn door and unsay those words right now. Why do I feel like this? This burning sensation in my heart, the tight knots my stomach is in. I shouldn't feel like this. My knees fail me and I find myself lowering to the floor, holding to my heaving chest.

As I gather my dignity to escape the toxins of the room, I can almost feel the heat of my searing blood beneath my flesh. I pace to the elevator and as soon as I I'm in the lobby to get Sidney. I didn't even remember to bring her leash, I just couldn't think at the time. Doesn't matter though, I can carry her in my hands. I really needed a friend and she's all I have.

What was I thinking coming to Dubai? Did I think I was actually good enough for him, coming here as if I'm some actual trophy girlfriend? All I am to him is a gorgeous face, perfect for a plus when he needs it. I'm just a get away from his twisted, controlling and possessive family, all I do is give him the feeling of some form of independence. What was I doing to myself, thinking that Austin could actually love me? I'm just the girl he pays for sex and to look good on his arms for his ego around his rich friends. I don't wrong Horace for the stunt he pulled back at the party, if I was Austin's respected girlfriend, then he couldn't have felt the need to speak to me in that tone. They all see me as just a girl he came with.

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