33 - Chloe's Room

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Song: Alessia Cara - Scars To Your Beautiful
~there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark~

You guys put the milk on the cereal or the cereal on the milk?


After silently watching Chloe devour every single bit of her food in enjoyment, we're now at the mall where I sit and be happy from simply seeing her happy. Well, for now..

I love the feeling of being the reason for someone's smile. She looks so excited. All she had on her was a small bag pack, the same one she had the day when she didn't return home from school. The thought of it makes my stomach turn. A few pieces of clothes in it and makeup that are almost done.

I removed her important documents from the bag such as her state I.D, her diploma certificate, etc. I'm planning on throwing the entire bag away, it's making me nauseous and it smells horrible.

I watch her pick, choose and refuse her new stuff in awe. Thanks to her, I now have a clearer understanding of the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one. She chooses new clothes, makeup, shoes, feminism books of her choice and cosmetic girly stuff. It's nice that she actually likes books and that she might be a feminist.

"$300 for a single jeans? Wow, that's crazy!" She gapes as I keep focus on driving.

"Well it's usually $3,000 for me, but you'll get there." I wink at her.

"Are you serious!? You're like, super rich?"

"You're open to whichever term you decide to use." I shrug.

"Where are we going now?" She asks.

"To my house, I have two people I want you to meet." I peek a glimpse at her to see her face before she answers.

"Okay." She plays with a loose thread on her top. "But... I still don't know where I'm staying." She adds, the excitement clearly drops from her voice.

"I told you to leave it to me." I tell her as she nods and smiles in agreement.

Seriously, the insults are really kicking in now.


"Holy smokes! Is this your house? My God, look at all these cars!" She gushes, frantically trying to soak in as much visuals as possible.

"Let's go inside." I watch her gaze fixated at my house in awe and I chuckle under my breath at her priceless reaction. I can tell that these are the luxuries she only sees in movies and never thought she'd one day be around it in the flesh.

"Shit. It's a fricking palace in here! You live here?" She exclaims, studying the inside of the house.

"Put your bags over there for now, Chloe." I gesture towards a chair. "Chloe, I want you to meet Emily. Emily, this is Chloe." I introduce them as Emily walks over to greet us.

"Now Chloe, Emily is a psychiatrist. She's helped me through some of my roughest times. You can tell her what you told me, and anything you wish to. You can trust her." I assure Chloe and she nods after studying my soft eyes. I shuffle her hair to get her to relax.

"Right on time. Chloe, this is Austin, my boyfriend. We live together here." I say at Austin's arrival from upstairs and my skin always gets goosebumps from calling him that. I wonder how long it'll take to get used to that.

"It's so nice to meet all of you. This is such a beautiful home." She says politely and I smile proudly that the girl does have intelligence.

"It's nice to meet you, Chloe." Emily says as Austin shakes her hand with a smile.

"Okay, so Chloe, I want you to get to know Emily. I'll be in the kitchen with Austin." I say right before exiting the room.

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