51 - Ash & Xander

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Song: Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love
~But something happened for the very first time with you~


After 3 weeks of being hospitalized, I'm finally given discharge to go home with my angels. I had to stay; my body undergo a lot of pressure during birth, so bad, I could've died. They had to treat me and wait until I'm fully internally stabilized. This was apart of the reason the doctors back then told me I couldn't get pregnant again, but they made a mistake. I could get pregnant again, but chances were like 2/10 and that is crazy, it's a miracle.

Thank God for that 2 out of the 10.

After I gave birth, the doctors said if I was to get pregnant again, it would be hard because I might have fertility issues, but I don't mind because God moves in mysterious ways... instead of giving me just one, he gave me two at once, that's all I ever needed and I'm extremely grateful. Even more grateful because it's a girl and a boy.

It's a quiet Sunday afternoon. Leah and Chloe are at GG'a Looks, working on a new photo shoot.

Gina decided to name her business GG's Looks and the girls work for her by modeling her clothes. The business has been a success as that is expected because the launch strategy was epic and the clothes are fire.

Austin and I stand over Ash and Xander's crib, watching them in awe sleeping peacefully. Yes, we called the girl Ash and the boy Xander, both nick names originating from their middle names.

They are simply precious. They got their dark hair from me that is obviously going to be long just like mine.. both of them have deep, ocean blue eyes, just like Austin. I want to squeal at how tiny and cute they are, I can't believe I'm looking at two babies who look the exact same, that both came from me. After years of struggling to accept a theory that I can't conceive again, look at me today.

Austin and I look over at each other and wait for the smiles to gradually escape our faces. We stand beside each other as he places an arm around my shoulder and one of my arms around his hip, using the moment to look around the room in admiration.

My parents did a lovely job designing this room and finished right on time for when I got out the hospital. The theme of the room is baby blue and baby pink, for boy and girl. Rainbows and cartoon characters plastered on the walls, pink and blue curtains, toys, teddy bears and pillows. And my favorite of them all, both their names largely written on the wall over their cribs; "Amelia & Aiden".. written in a beautiful design as Amelia is in pink and Aiden is in blue.

"We did it, didn't we?" He coos, looks down at my shorter version.

"We almost did it." I reply, swaying around from his side to in front of him as I bite my bottom lip with a smile.

"What else?" He asks, placing his hands around my waist, I wrap mines around his neck.

"We still have a wedding to plan." A smile tugs at the edges of my lips and he smiles back in a way of relief.

"I've waited so long to hear you say that." He says, his smile gradually turning into a wide grin.

"But are you sure you're good and ready?" He asks in reference to my health.

"I feel great and it gets better every day." I give him an assuring kiss.

Austin contacts the wedding planner right away and she is at the house by the other day.

For the next 4 months we planned the wedding of our dreams. I cannot wait to tie the knot and get married to Austin Blake, the love of my life.


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