12 - Issue

720 57 3

Song: Tyga - Dip ft Nicki Minaj
~I got issues~


"Miss Kendall, sources revealed that you and Austin Blake are in the process of being officially divorced. Is that true?"

"Is he getting married to Miss Yasmine?"

Are a few of the many questions asked by paparazzi when spotting Kendall in Cleveland. But this bitch got some nerve..

"Well, just like any other couple, we go through our fair share of ups and downs. We're facing a very rough patch at the moment and we just decided to take some time apart from each other, see other people and give things a little time to figure themselves out." She replies.

Is she serious? I'm now convinced than ever before that something is seriously wrong with this girl.

It's been a month after the divorce and everything has been quiet since. Rumour has it that Kendall went ghost on social media. Who cares. As for Austin and I, we're just keeping it low-key as usual.

As a result of the businesses unmerging, there was a loss of 40 million dollars instead of the assumed 50. Austin reimbursed both his family and her's 20 million each to balance back the damages done.

"Look at this bullshit." I show him the statement Kendall made to the paparazzi.

"I'm convinced that this woman is insane." The irritation is clearly written on his face and of course the annoyance in his voice. I love it when he gets annoyed.

"Yea, you sure know how to pick em." I taunt him.

"Yea," he eyes my from head to toe, "I really do." I swat his arm realising that insult was meant for me this time.

"But seriously though, this girl's got some deep rooted issues!"

Austin's face expression seems as if he just got a lightbulb turned on in his mind. "That's it." He mutters quietly.

"What?" I'm confused.

"That's it Yas. You're a genius!" he beams.


"You said Kendall has issues. That's exactly what we're gonna do. A new issue."

"Uhh, okay. But about what?"

"It would be like a complete documentary of this whole scenario. My marriage to Kendall, our relationship etc. The world would simply get all the answers from one magazine. I could publish it as the December issue."

I nod slowly in agreement. Bingo. "But what exactly is the plan here?"

"I mean, like.. we're gonna just put the whole thing in writing. It not only would clear my name and expose Kendall for the pretty little liar that she she is, but it would be good for business, good publicity for my new partnership with Vogue, I would rake in a lot of money and make up for the money that I've lost. I'd organize to do an interview with Vogue and finally speak publicly my side of the story. I'm always a silent player, but I think giving the world a little of me and not only my product would be good. And of course I'm going to need you on board as well." He explains.

"Sounds like a damn good idea. But what do I have to do with this?"

"Well your name plays a big part in this entire movement. You and I could be on the cover of my next issue."

"Whoa. You and me? I can't do all of that right now. Remember I have school and stuff."

"You won't have to do a thing except a photoshoot and sign a few contracts. I could even do the Vogue interview with you. They wouldn't even think twice to say yes because it would be good for our new partnership. You would get highlighted big time!" His excitement has me guilty to be thinking of saying no.

"Uuh, I don't know. This sounds like a lot. You know, like a big step." I nibble on a nail.

"You're a strong woman, Yas. Come out of your comfort zone and push yourself to your highest potentials. You're studying to be an actress right? If your name's already out there that will do a lot for your career that hasn't even been started yet."

"Austin, I won't lie, it's a good idea! But I want to be a self made woman. I want my accomplishments to be from my career. And I'm not lying to your fans about some nonexistent relationship that we have. You understand that, right?" I hope he does.

"I understand. I also respect your decision, that's okay. I won't force you into something you don't want to. I'm just going to share a fun fact though; we're all humans and we all need each other. Whether I give you an opportunity to boost your upcoming career or you hire an agent to do it or etc, that opportunity has to occur from somewhere. And especially if you want to be rich at a young age. Think about it though." He tells me and I nod in response.

His idea made a lot of sense as always.  I do want to be a very big star, not just any regular actress. But I just never wanted to do this issue. I'm not trying to come up as some girl in a publicity relationship; because we aren't actually in an official relationship.


The sleepiness is setting in on this Saturday afternoon. I head to the kitchen and grab a yogurt to eat.

Jumping into bed shortly after, and before you know it I'm dozing off. Austin is on his laptop tying up loose ends from last week's work.

About 5 minutes in my sleep, my phone wakes me up. It's my mom calling. I pick it up and answer. "Hi Mom. What a pleasant surprise." I try my best to sound enthusiastic through my groggy voice.

"Hi Yas, how are you?" her voice is always so soothing.

"I'm great! How's Dad?"

"He's fine." She pauses for a while before continuing, "hey uhh, Yas? I know we don't talk a lot about certain things in particular, so we probably have no reason to share stuff with each other... you know I love you regardless and I hope you are happy with the decisions you make in your life." Oh boy, where's she going with this?

"Mom, I know when you're on to something, spill it."

"I just want you to be happy and whatever you do, I'll support you all the way. But we are all women, I am married, I can only imagine what it would be like if your father brought another woman into our marriage. I had to hear in the gossips that you are having an affair with a married man, I didn't even know you were dating. I will not jump to conclusions so I just called to hear your side of the story." She tells me and my warm blood turns to hot under my skin.

"Mum.. that is not how it is, but rest assured you will hear the full story soon." I assure her through my clenched teeth.

I hang up, gently placing it down beside me. I then drift into my thoughts and think until my whole being is laced in fury.

First my best friend had to find out from gossip that my man is married, now my mom? It's probably my fault, I don't like to talk about my love life, probably I'm too private.

But how can I even be 'private' sleeping around with a billionaire? The thought alone sounds stupid. Am I going to let my friends and family continue to think that I am some home wrecking tramp? I am many things but I sure as hell wasn't raised like that. Kendall really crossed the line.

"Okay." I say to Austin boldly.

"Okay what?" Obviously he's confused.

"Okay let's do this. The issue, I'm game."

"Okay, why the sudden change of heart?" his brows crinkles a bit.

"My mom called me just now. My mom! It is in her understanding that I'm having an affair with a married man! You know what, you're right. It's time I faced my real fears and take this on. If I'm going to be an actress, I can't be known from sleeping with so called married men. I won't let your wife tarnish my name that hasn't even been built yet!" I snap.

"I'm so fucking proud of you. Look at you, standing up for your empire!" He grins, I simply smile in response. "I'll get started on the paperwork on Monday."

Extending an arm, I shake his hand.

"Welcome aboard Yasmine. You will enjoy the journey."


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Xoxo, ILY!

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