18 - Drunk/Angry Sex

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Song: Kelly Rowland ft Lil Wayne - Motivation
~so go lover, make mama proud~

A/N: High sexual content ahead.


Still trying to find out why and still trying to create a mental excuse as to why I'm going anywhere with Austin. And what makes it weird, I'm fully dressed and ready, so why is that even still a debate within myself at this point?

My hair is in a sleek, low ponytail. I'm wearing a Dior snake print, cold shoulder, long sleeve dress. It's tight fitting and almost reaching my ankles. I put on a pair of Fendi boots and Fendi bag for a change and now I feel like I'm betraying Chanel. Ugh. I look so stunning and the worst part is that I know it!

I walk slowly downstairs, knowing damn well I'm late.

Austin is in the back when he opens the door for me. As soon as I get in the car, he starts the bickering and complaining, "thanks to you, we're like 30 minutes behind time."

I scoff. "Well you should've invited someone that's on time."

"I'm not in the mood for this." He snaps.

"And I'm not in the mood for you. Can we just do this and get it over with so I can go home?" I snap, twice as harsh as he did.

"Why are you so mad?" He asks in an exasperated tone.

"Really?" I turn on my seat dramatically to offer a direct glare at him.

"You're mad about a thing that's.. not even a thing." He glares at me confused.

"You're such a manipulative coward! Why can't you just stop lying? You know how annoying that is to me. I'm starting to question everything you ever said since day one, what happened to honesty? What about being my friend before anything else?" The frustration is coming along fiercely in my tone and only steam is left to leave my ears.

"You know what Yas, you have every right to be upset. And I will be truthful with you eventually. But what I am is not a liar. Why would I put you through all this to hurt you now? What type of man do you think I am?" He sounds just a frustrated as I am and for some reason he sounds sincere.

I ignore him and he continues. He cups my chin, slowly turning my face towards him forcing me to look at his gorgeous face. "You trust me?"

"Of course I do." My tone is soft but I roll my eyes anyway.

For the remaining journey, the silence is in complete control until we arrive at our destination, which is a very elegant looking place.

The security phones someone and as soon as they identify that it's Austin, we're being welcomed in. We get out and the security escorts us to the correct room.

"Austin! My man!" A guy greets him.

"What's going on Anthony?!" Austin replies. "Sweet pea, this is Anthony Hunter, I've known the little shit since high school, and in a weird and twisted way, he's probably my best friend. He owns his own wine company." Austin tells me.

Anthony extends an arm towards me with a welcoming smile, surprisingly easing a little of the tension in my shoulders a bit. I place my hand in his and allow him to press a gentle kiss to it. My cheeks flush slightly followed by a smile. "So you're the explanation behind Austin's smile! You're even more beautiful in person than in the magazine." He compliments, flashing a wide, playful grin.

I chuckle from Austin's corny friend's words. "Why, thank you. I'm Yas."

"Oh, I know." His smile is mischievous.

While socializing, we're going into the activity at the same time. We're seated at a mini bar. Anthony hands us two glasses pouring his wine in them and it's no surprise that I start with mine right away.

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