50 - There's Another One

382 31 1

Song: Kanye West - Only One
~you know I never left you, cause every road that leads to heaven is right beside you~

2 updates in one day..


After 9 months of preparing, taking classes, reading books etc.. but now in the moment of truth, the power, nobody knows what valid thing to do next. Austin twists his body in about 4 directions in fright, with his hands held out, not knowing what to do. Panic written all over his face, this was the first time I've ever seen him so shocked in a serious situation, he's always the composed one.

The contractions are slicing through me like several knives every 5 minutes.

"Ahh!" I groan intensely, grabbing Austin hand and squeezing it, sinking my nails in his flesh.

He struggles to think straight in all this agony and frightening situation.

"Okay, okay! Just breathe.. in and out." He finally manages to say and I try my best to cooperate.

"I need to go to the hospital!" I squeal.

"Yes. Yes! The hospital! Bruce, to the hospital!" He shouts in realization to the driver.

"I've already done that. We're almost there." Bruce replies. Of course he heard what's happening, he's the only one in this car that's able to think straight right now.

My phone rings as Austin picks up and puts it on speaker. It's Chloe.

"Hey where are you guys going?" She asks, obviously realizing that the car took a turn off.

"To the hospital. Yas is in labor."

"What? But she's not due till another week!"

"Well, the baby had other plans." He dismisses and hangs up.

"Breathe honey, we're almost there." He chants, caressing my shoulders, I hold my belly in pain, inhaling and exhaling sharply.

We get to the hospital and both cars stops as they help me inside. I hold my belly in pain, trying to make it, praying to God that I pull through; this literally feels like I'm on death road.

After six hours of labor, pain, fright and panicking, it's now finally happening. The baby is coming.

Austin is in the room, a few doctors, my mid wife Dr. Gordon, also a nurse trying to provide some kind of comfort to me and so is Austin as he holds my hand.

"Okay, Miss Scott, I need you to breath! The baby is close."

My only response is to scream in terrorizing pain; so much from breathing.


"Ahhh!" Only my misery echoes through the room, if probably not the entire hospital as I make my best attempts to push. 

"I can see the head. I need you to push again!" Dr. Gordon instructs once more.

"Aahhh!" I screech through my clenched teeth. The baby's head is out, leaving his shoulders going down still inside me.

"One big push Yasmine, and you're done! You'll be all done honey. Come on!"

With another deep breath, I push with everything in me once more as my mouth opens wide releasing an inaudible scream. My eyes shut so tight that they clench together, as Austin constantly wipes the sweat from my face that is running like a river.

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