9 - Revealed

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Song: Dej Loaf - Try Me
~fuck around and imma catch a body~


Austin and I are the living display of a hot, professional couple. Except, were not actually together, the thought sunk my heart a bit and it's not supposed to. It turned out the plan Austin has for today is a business lunch and guess who's his plus one?

He partnered with Vogue Arabia for a new upcoming issue releasing a month from now. We're having lunch with an executive director of the magazine and also an editor. I'm excited but probably I shouldn't be. What if they treat me like an outcast? Probably not, once I'm with him, I officially become America's sweetheart.

Today is my birthday as well.

Even though Austin knows I'm not a birthday kind of person, I woke up this morning to a room of balloons shaping the numbers '24' and red/white roses adorning everywhere. He knows I love roses. That I do love! In the shower, I notice that I'm wearing a beautiful diamond necklace that I've never seen before, with personalized letters saying 'YAS'.

Me eyes get glossy followed by a warm smile while I glaze my hand slowly over it.


Getting ready now, I'm wearing a sophisticated, white, knee length skirt and jacket suit with red under blouse. The blouse has like a big classy bow up above my chest close to my neck giving the outfit a little edge. A custom white red bottom heels from Louis Vuitton also a red purse. I have an unhealthy obsession with Chanel and Austin spoils me rotten.

My hair is in a sleek bun and my makeup perfectly done.

As for him, I don't know who he is wearing but he looks slick and incredibly handsome as usual. I'm so obsessed with the man, it's sickening.

He wears a black suit with red under shirt and also red tie. Also red bottoms shoes and the leather is black and shiny. Yum.

"Happy birthday, sweet pea. You look amazing." He takes one of my hands and slowly pecks a kiss on it. My cheeks flush to rose pink and my smile widens.

"Thank you. And you're the most handsome man I've ever seen. I love the necklace too, it's so beautiful." I glaze my fingers across it again, unable to keep my hands off the thing.

"It brings out those gorgeous eyes you have." We both laugh. "Shall we?"


I step ahead of him and he locks up behind me. We get into the elevator where two other people are inside. We nod at each other and smile.

Stepping behind them, Austin places his hand around my waist, but knowing him, his true intention is to grab my ass and he does just that.

Really? He smirks down at me and I giggle silently, giving him a soft slap on his thigh.

The elevator dings open followed by our exit, then spotting Carl waiting, but he's standing beside a different vehicle, a limo. "Morning ma'am. Morning sir." He nods in our direction politely.

"Good morning to you, Carl!" I beam. Austin nods at him.

I take this time in the car as an opportunity to check my messages, reading all the beautiful thoughts from my few family and friends.

We now arrive at a restaurant with an outdoor area as well and I'm stunned by it's plush and petulance. Austin spots his allies immediately.

He gestures his elbow, indicating me to slip my arm through. Together, we stride gracefully over to them as they stand at our arrival with wide, welcoming smiles. I notice how both of us owns the room the minute our presence is visible.

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